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Where do you put your Rack middleware files and requires?

I'm in the process of refactoring some logic built into a Rails application into middleware, and one annoyance I've run into is a seeming lack of convention for where to put them.

Currently I've settled on app/middleware but I could just as easily move it to vendor/middleware or maybe vendor/plugins/middleware...

The biggest problem is having to require the individual files at the top of config/environment.rb

require "app/middleware/system_message" require "app/middleware/rack_backstage" 

or else I get uninitialized constant errors on the config.middleware.use lines. That could get messy very quickly. I'd rather this was tucked away in an initializer somewhere.

Is there a conventional place to put this stuff?

The specific answer I'm looking for with this bounty is: where can I put the require lines so that they are not cluttering the environment.rb file but still get loaded before the config.middleware.use calls? Everything I have tried leads to uninitialized constant errors.

Update: Now that we're using Rails 3.0, I treat a Rails app like any other Rack app; code files for middleware go in lib (or a gem listed in Gemfile) and are required and loaded in config.ru.

like image 321
Adam Lassek Avatar asked Aug 06 '10 22:08

Adam Lassek

People also ask

Where do you put middleware rails?

Typically Rack middleware is inserted into a Rails application by declaring it inside config/application. rb . You may need to require 'something' in the header of that file, then inside the application config block, config. middleware.

What is a Rack middleware?

Rack middleware is a way to filter a request and response coming into your application. A middleware component sits between the client and the server, processing inbound requests and outbound responses, but it's more than interface that can be used to talk to web server.

How does a Rack work?

Rack provides a minimal, modular, and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call.

What is Rack application?

Rack is a modular interface between web servers and web applications developed in the Ruby programming language. With Rack, application programming interfaces (APIs) for web frameworks and middleware are wrapped into a single method call handling HTTP requests and responses.

1 Answers

As of Rails 3.2, Rack middleware belongs in the app/middleware directory.

It works "out-of-the-box" without any explicit require statements.

Quick example:

I'm using a middleware class called CanonicalHost which is implemented in app/middleware/canonical_host.rb. I've added the following line to production.rb (note that the middleware class is explicitly given, rather than as a quoted string, which works for any environment-specific config files):

config.middleware.use CanonicalHost, "example.com" 

If you're adding middleware to application.rb, you'll need to include quotes, as per @mltsy's comment.

config.middleware.use "CanonicalHost", "example.com" 
like image 103
Mike Jarema Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Mike Jarema