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Rails STI association with subclasses

I'm getting some strange behaviour when fetching collections from a has_many association with rails 3 when using STI. I have:

class Branch < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :employees, class_name: 'User::Employee'
   has_many :admins, class_name: 'User::BranchAdmin'

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

class User::Employee < User
  belongs_to :branch

class User::BranchAdmin < User::Employee

The desired behaviour is that branch.employees returns all employees including branch admins. The branch admins only seem to be 'loaded' under this collection when they have been accessed by branch.admins, this is output from the console:

=> 2

=> 1

=> 3

This can be seen in the generated SQL, the first time:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" WHERE "users"."type" IN ('User::Employee') AND "users"."branch_id" = 1

and the second time:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" WHERE "users"."type" IN ('User::Employee', 'User::BranchAdmin') AND "users"."branch_id" = 1

I could solve this problem by just specifying:

class Branch < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :employees, class_name: 'User'
   has_many :admins, class_name: 'User::BranchAdmin'

since they all be found from their branch_id but this creates problems in the controller if I want to do branch.employees.build then the class will default to User and I have to hack at the type column somewhere. I have got around this for now with:

  has_many :employees, class_name: 'User::Employee', 
    finder_sql: Proc.new{
      %Q(SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE users.type IN          ('User::Employee','User::BranchAdmin') AND users.branch_id = #{id})
    counter_sql: Proc.new{
      %Q(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" WHERE "users"."type" IN ('User::Employee', 'User::BranchAdmin') AND "users"."branch_id" = #{id})

but I would really like to avoid this if possible. Anyone, any ideas?


The finder_sql and counter_sql haven't really solved it for me because it seems that parent associations don't use this and so organisation.employees that has_many :employees, through: :branches will again only include the User::Employee class in the selection.

like image 584
Tom Livesey Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 11:06

Tom Livesey

People also ask

What is polymorphic association in Rails?

Polymorphic relationship in Rails refers to a type of Active Record association. This concept is used to attach a model to another model that can be of a different type by only having to define one association.

What is STI in Rails?

Single Table Inheritance (STI) models are defined as separate classes inheriting from one base class, but they aren't associated with separate tables — they share one database table. The table contains a type column that defines which subclass an object belongs to.

2 Answers

Basically, the problem only exists in the development environment where classes are loaded as needed. (In production, classes are loaded and kept available.)

The problem comes in due to the interpreter not having seen yet that Admins are a type of Employee when you first run the Employee.find, etc. call.

(Notice that it later uses IN ('User::Employee', 'User::BranchAdmin'))

This happens with every use of model classes that are more than one level deep, but only in dev-mode.

Subclasses always autoload their parent hierarchy. Base classes don't autoload their child hierachies.


You can force the correct behaviour in dev-mode by explicitly requiring all your child classes from the base class rb file.

like image 90
Shadow Radiance Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10

Shadow Radiance

Can you use :conditions?

class Branch < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :employees, class_name: 'User::Employee', :conditions => {:type => "User::Employee"}
   has_many :admins, class_name: 'User::BranchAdmin', :conditions => {:type => "User::BranchAdmin"}

This would be my preferred method. One other way to do it might be to add a default scope to the polymorphic models.

class User::BranchAdmin < User::Employee
  default_scope where("type = ?", name)
like image 32
Brad Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10
