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Rails Search ActiveRecord with Logical Operators

I'm wondering what the best way to parse a text query in Rails is, to allow the user to include logical operators?

I'd like the user to be able to enter either of these, or some equivalent:

# searching partial text in emails, just for example
# query A
"jon AND gmail" #=> ["[email protected]"]

# query B
"jon OR gmail" #=> ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

# query C
"jon AND gmail AND smith" #=> ["[email protected]"]

Ideally, we could get even more complex with parentheses to indicate order of operations, but that's not a requirement.

Is there a gem or a pattern that supports this?

like image 690
steel Avatar asked Jul 13 '15 20:07


3 Answers

This is a possible but inefficient way to do this:

user_input = "jon myers AND gmail AND smith OR goldberg OR MOORE"
terms = user_input.split(/(.+?)((?: and | or ))/i).reject(&:empty?)
# => ["jon myers", " AND ", "gmail", " AND ", "smith", " OR ", "goldberg", " OR ", "MOORE"]

pairs = terms.each_slice(2).map { |text, op| ["column LIKE ? #{op} ", "%#{text}%"] }
# => [["column LIKE ?  AND  ", "%jon myers%"], ["column LIKE ?  AND  ", "%gmail%"], ["column LIKE ?  OR  ", "%smith%"], ["column LIKE ?  OR  ", "%goldberg%"], ["column LIKE ?  ", "%MOORE%"]]

query = pairs.reduce([""]) { |acc, terms| acc[0] += terms[0]; acc << terms[1] }
# => ["column LIKE ?  AND  column LIKE ?  AND  column LIKE ?  OR column LIKE ?  OR  column LIKE ?  ", "%jon myers%", "%gmail%", "%smith%", "%goldberg%", "%MOORE%"]

Model.where(query[0], *query[1..-1]).to_sql
# => SELECT "courses".* FROM "courses"  WHERE (column LIKE '%jon myers%'  AND  column LIKE '%gmail%'  AND  column LIKE '%smith%'  OR  column LIKE '%goldberg%'  OR  column LIKE '%MOORE%'  )

However, as I said, searches like this one are extremely inefficient. I'd recommend you use a full-text search engine, like Elasticsearch.

like image 107
mrodrigues Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


I use such a parser in a Sinatra app, since the queries tend to be complex I produce plain SQL instead of using the activerecords selection methods. If you can use it, feel free..

You use it like this, class_name is the activerecord class representing the table, params is a hash of strings to parse, the result is sent to the browser as Json eg

generic_data_getter (Person, {age: ">30",name: "=John", date: ">=1/1/2014 <1/1/2015"})

  def generic_data_getter (class_name, params, start=0, limit=300, sort='id', dir='ASC')
    selection = build_selection(class_name, params)
    data = class_name.where(selection).offset(start).limit(limit).order("#{sort} #{dir}")
    {:success => true, :totalCount => data.except(:offset, :limit, :order).count, :result => data.as_json}

def build_selection class_name, params
  field_names = class_name.column_names
  selection = []
  params.each do |k,v|
    if field_names.include? k
      type_of_field = class_name.columns_hash[k].type.to_s
      when (['leeg','empty','nil','null'].include? v.downcase) then selection << "#{k} is null"
      when (['niet leeg','not empty','!nil','not null'].include? v.downcase) then selection << "#{k} is not null"
      when type_of_field == 'string' then 
        selection << string_selector(k, v)
      when type_of_field == 'integer' then
        selection << integer_selector(k, v)
      when type_of_field == 'date' then
        selection << date_selector(k, v)
  selection.join(' and ')

def string_selector(k, v)
  when v[/\|/]
    v.scan(/([^\|]+)(\|)([^\|]+)/).map {|p| "lower(#{k}) LIKE '%#{p.first.downcase}%' or lower(#{k}) LIKE '%#{p.last.downcase}%'"}
  when v[/[<>=]/]
    v.scan(/(<=?|>=?|=)([^<>=]+)/).map { |part| "#{k} #{part.first} '#{part.last.strip}'"}
    "lower(#{k}) LIKE '%#{v.downcase}%'"

def integer_selector(k, v)
  when v[/\||,/]
    v.scan(/([^\|]+)([\|,])([^\|]+)/).map {|p|p p; "#{k} IN (#{p.first}, #{p.last})"}
  when v[/\-/]
    v.scan(/([^-]+)([\-])([^-]+)/).map {|p|p p; "#{k} BETWEEN #{p.first} and #{p.last}"}
  when v[/[<>=]/]
    v.scan(/(<=?|>=?|=)([^<>=]+)/).map { |part| p part; "#{k} #{part.first} #{part.last}"}
    "#{k} = #{v}"

def date_selector(k, v)
  eurodate = /^(\d{1,2})[-\/](\d{1,2})[-\/](\d{1,4})$/
  when v[/\|/]
    v.scan(/([^\|]+)([\|])([^\|]+)/).map {|p|p p; "#{k} IN (DATE('#{p.first.gsub(eurodate,'\3-\2-\1')}'), DATE('#{p.last.gsub(eurodate,'\3-\2-\1')}'))"}
  when v[/\-/]
    v.scan(/([^-]+)([\-])([^-]+)/).map {|p|p p; "#{k} BETWEEN DATE('#{p.first.gsub(eurodate,'\3-\2-\1')}')' and DATE('#{p.last.gsub(eurodate,'\3-\2-\1')}')"}
  when v[/<|>|=/]
    parts = v.scan(/(<=?|>=?|=)(\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{2,4})/)
    selection = parts.map do |part|
      operator = part.first ||= "="
      date = Date.parse(part.last.gsub(eurodate,'\3-\2-\1'))
      "#{k} #{operator} DATE('#{date}')"
  when v[/^(\d{1,2})[-\/](\d{1,4})$/]
    "#{k} >= DATE('#{$2}-#{$1}-01') and #{k} <= DATE('#{$2}-#{$1}-31')"
    date = Date.parse(v.gsub(eurodate,'\3-\2-\1'))
    "#{k} = DATE('#{date}')"
like image 38
peter Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11


The simplest case would be extract an array from the strings:

and_array = "jon AND gmail".split("AND").map{|e| e.strip}
# ["jon", "gmail"]
or_array = "jon OR sarah".split("OR").map{|e| e.strip}
# ["jon", "sarah"]

Then you could construct an query string:

query_string = ""
and_array.each {|e| query_string += "%e%"}
# "%jon%%gmail%"

Then you use a ilike or a like query to fetch the results:

Model.where("column ILIKE ?", query_string)
# SELECT * FROM model WHERE column ILIKE '%jon%%gmail%'
# Results: [email protected]

Of course that could be a little overkill. But it is a simple solution.

like image 21
MurifoX Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11
