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Rails Observer Alternatives for 4.0

Take a look at Concerns

Create a folder in your models directory called concerns. Add a module there:

module MyConcernModule
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    after_save :do_something

  def do_something

Next, include that in the models you wish to run the after_save in:

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  include MyConcernModule

Depending on what you're doing, this might get you close without observers.

They are in a plugin now.

Can I also recommend an alternative which will give you controllers like:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @post = Post.new(params[:post])


    @post.on(:create_post_successful) { |post| redirect_to post }
    @post.on(:create_post_failed)     { |post| render :action => :new }


My suggestion is to read James Golick's blog post at http://jamesgolick.com/2010/3/14/crazy-heretical-and-awesome-the-way-i-write-rails-apps.html (try to ignore how immodest the title sounds).

Back in the day it was all "fat model, skinny controller". Then the fat models became a giant headache, especially during testing. More recently the push has been for skinny models -- the idea being that each class should be handling one responsibility and a model's job is to persist your data to a database. So where does all my complex business logic end up? In business logic classes -- classes that represent transactions.

This approach can turn into a quagmire (giggity) when the logic starts getting complicated. The concept is sound though -- instead of triggering things implicitly with callbacks or observers that are hard to test and debug, trigger things explicitly in a class that layers logic on top of your model.

Using active record callbacks simply flips the dependency of your coupling. For instance, if you have modelA and a CacheObserver observing modelA rails 3 style, you can remove CacheObserver with no issue. Now, instead say A has to manually invoke the CacheObserver after save, which would be rails 4. You've simply moved your dependency so you can safely remove A but not CacheObserver.

Now, from my ivory tower I prefer the observer to be dependent on the model it's observing. Do I care enough to clutter up my controllers? For me, the answer is no.

Presumably you've put some thought into why you want/need the observer, and thus creating a model dependent upon its observer is not a terrible tragedy.

I also have a (reasonably grounded, I think) distaste for any sort of observer being dependent on a controller action. Suddenly you have to inject your observer in any controller action (or another model) that may update the model you want observed. If you can guarantee your app will only ever modify instances via create/update controller actions, more power to you, but that's not an assumption I would make about a rails application (consider nested forms, model business logic updating associations, etc.)

Wisper is a great solution. My personal preference for callbacks is that they're fired by the models but the events are only listened to when a request comes in i.e. I don't want callbacks fired while I'm setting up models in tests etc. but I do want them fired whenever controllers are involved. This is really easy to setup with Wisper because you can tell it to only listen to events inside a block.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  around_filter :register_event_listeners

  def register_event_listeners(&around_listener_block)
    Wisper.with_listeners(UserListener.new) do

class User
  include Wisper::Publisher
  after_create{ |user| publish(:user_registered, user) }

class UserListener
  def user_registered(user)
    Analytics.track("user:registered", user.analytics)

In some cases I simply use Active Support Instrumentation

ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument "my.custom.event", this: :data do
  # do your stuff here

ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "my.custom.event" do |*args|
  data = args.extract_options! # {:this=>:data}

My alternative to Rails 3 Observers is a manual implementation which utilizes a callback defined within the model yet manages to (as agmin states in his answer above) "flip the dependency...coupling".

My objects inherit from a base class which provides for registering observers:

class Party411BaseModel

  self.abstract_class = true
  class_attribute :observers

  def self.add_observer(observer)
    observers << observer
    logger.debug("Observer #{observer.name} added to #{self.name}")

  def notify_observers(obj, event_name, *args)
    observers && observers.each do |observer|
    if observer.respond_to?(event_name)
          observer.public_send(event_name, obj, *args)
        rescue Exception => e
          logger.error("Error notifying observer #{observer.name}")
          logger.error e.message
          logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n")


(Granted, in the spirit of composition over inheritance, the above code could be placed in a module and mixed in each model.)

An initializer registers observers:


Each model can then define its own observable events, beyond the basic ActiveRecord callbacks. For instance, my User model exposes 2 events:

class User < Party411BaseModel

  self.observers ||= []

  after_commit :notify_observers, :on => :create

  def signed_up_via_lunchwalla
    self.account_source == ACCOUNT_SOURCES['LunchWalla']

  def notify_observers
    notify_observers(self, :new_user_created)
    notify_observers(self, :new_lunchwalla_user_created) if self.signed_up_via_lunchwalla

Any observer that wishes to receive notifications for those events merely needs to (1) register with the model that exposes the event and (2) have a method whose name matches the event. As one might expect, multiple observers can register for the same event, and (in reference to the 2nd paragraph of the original question) an observer can watch for events across several models.

The NotificationSender and ProfilePictureCreator observer classes below define methods for the events exposed by various models:

  def new_user_created(user_id)

  def new_invitation_created(invitation_id)

  def new_event_created(event_id)

class ProfilePictureCreator
  def new_lunchwalla_user_created(user_id)

  def new_twitter_user_created(user_id)

One caveat is that the names of all events exposed across all the models must be unique.