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Create a devise user from Ruby console

You can add false to the save method to skip the validations if you want.

User.new({:email => "[email protected]", :roles => ["admin"], :password => "111111", :password_confirmation => "111111" }).save(false)

Otherwise I'd do this

User.create!({:email => "[email protected]", :roles => ["admin"], :password => "111111", :password_confirmation => "111111" })

If you have confirmable module enabled for devise, make sure you are setting the confirmed_at value to something like Time.now while creating.

You should be able to do this using

u = User.new(:email => "[email protected]", :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password')

if this returns false, you can call


to see what's gone wrong.

When on your model has :confirmable option this mean the object user should be confirm first. You can do two ways to save user.

a. first is skip confirmation:

newuser = User.new({email: '[email protected]', password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password'})

b. or use confirm! :

newuser = User.new({email: '[email protected]', password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password'})

If you want to avoid sending confirmation emails, the best choice is:

    u = User.new({
      email: '[email protected]',
      password: '12feijaocomarroz',
      password_confirmation: '12feijaocomarroz'


So if you're using a fake email or have no internet connection, that'll avoid errors.