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RAILS: Nested attributes in new method with existing record

I have models:


belongs_to :manufacturer, foreign_key: 'model'
accepts_nested_attributes_for :manufacturer, :reject_if => proc { |obj| obj.blank? }

When i try to create new Frame with existing manufacturer i get an error:

Frame.new({name: 'Name of the frame', manufacturer_attributes: {id:2}})


Couldn't find Manufacturer with ID=2 for Frame with ID=
like image 709
Src Avatar asked May 20 '16 21:05


1 Answers

The problem is that Frame.new is a new record, when ActiveRecord reaches the parameter manufacturers_attributes it performs a lookup on the association manufacturers_attributes for Frame.new which is unsaved and hence has no id with which to perform the lookup.

I recommend starting with the existing manufacturer record and simply create the frame like so manufacturer.frames.create(frame_params) (assuming a one-to-many relationship).

However, if you must do it this way you can overwrite the manufacturer_attributes method like so:

accepts_nested_attributes_for :manufacturer
  def manufacturer_attributes=(attributes)
    if attributes['id'].present?
      self.manufacturer = Manufacturer.find(attributes['id'])

Thus, you assign the manufacturer before the original manufacturer_attributes tries to access it on the new record, which previously caused the error.

like image 58
Jan Bussieck Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10

Jan Bussieck