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Rails Filter Parameters Filtering Too Much

In my filter parameters initializer, I'm filtering out all password related parameters that matter already:

# config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
Rails.application.config.filter_parameters += [:password, :password_confirmation]

But more parameters are being filtered out than I'd expect. It looks like anything that has "password" in the name filtered from the logs.


Is there any way to prevent pattern matching for filtered parameters and match the precise parameters that I have set?

like image 733
fny Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 06:12


1 Answers

You can use a regular expression, rather than a string or symbol, if you want to explicitly control the pattern matching.

# config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
Rails.application.config.filter_parameters += [/^password$/, /^password_confirmation$/]

This will tell Rails to filter "password" and "password_confirmation" exactly, but not filter other parameters that contain "password" as a substring.

like image 90
Matt Brictson Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 00:01

Matt Brictson