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Themeforest to Rails App

This is my first time using an external HTML theme for a rails app. I have downloaded a theme from Themeforest. Of course it comes with tons of JS, CSS and images. I was wondering what workflow most of you guys use when integrating a theme into your rails app.

  • Do you put all the downloaded assets in the public folder? Or do you put them in appropriate folders in app/assets and then fix the image urls etc.?
like image 361
septerr Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 14:12


1 Answers

I think this question will get answers based on opinion, but you can try this gem to install static html for your application (not tested) . install_theme gem. For reference to use this gem read this blog http://drnicwilliams.com/category/ruby/ruby-on-rails/page/2/ (If I put tuts in here my answer will full post)

For your question :

Do you put all the downloaded assets in the public folder? Or do you put them in appropriate folders in app/assets and then fix the image urls etc.?

My workflow looks like :

  1. Put css, js, image, font files to assests directory

       - fonts
       - images
       - javascripts
       - stylesheets
  2. Editing url image, url font in css files and js files.

    If I use extention css.erb for css file, url image, url font should edit looks like :

    image :

    background-image:url(<%= asset_path 'bg.png' %>);  

    font :

    @font-face {
        font-family: namefonts;
        src: url('<%= asset_path('namefonts.eot') %>');
        src: url('<%= asset_path('namefontsd41d.eot') %>?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), 
           url('<%= asset_path('namefonts.woff') %>') format('woff'), 
           url('<%= asset_path('namefonts.ttf') %>') format('truetype'), 
           url('<%= asset_path('namefonts.svg') %>#icons') format('svg');
        font-weight: 400;
        font-style: normal;

    If I use extention css.scss

    image :

    background : image-url("bg.png")

    font :

    @font-face {
    src:font-url('namefonts.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
  3. Choose html structure to layout template (head tag, header, navbar, sidebar footer), partial template (contents, forms etc) - If I use html.erb

       - layouts
       - partials
         - form
         - index

    Coding Links to Assets

    <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: "all" %>
    <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
  4. Editing image tag, url tag, form tag etc to conform with rails template (erb file)

    image tag

    example in html

    <img src="images/rails.png" class="theclass"/>   

    change to

    <%= image_tag "rails.png", :class => 'theclass' %>

    link tag

    example in html

    <a href="index.html">Home</a>

    change to

    <%= link_to "Home", root_path %>

    form tag you can read this

    <%= form_tag("action", method: "post") do %>
     <%= label_tag(:q, "Label for:") %>
     <%= text_field_tag(:q) %>
     <%= submit_tag("Save") %>
    <% end %>
  5. Editing any file to conform with rails

    You can read this

    • Assets Pipeline
    • Layouts and Rendering in Rails
    • Form Helpers
  6. Updating the asset pipeline

    The fix is pretty simple. Open your project's config file, located at config/application.rb and add the following line within your Application class:

    config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "fonts")
    config.assets.precompile += %w( .svg .eot .woff .ttf )
like image 75
rails_id Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 02:12
