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Rails current_path Helper?

I'm working on a Rails 3.2 application with the following routing conditions:

scope "(:locale)", locale: /de|en/ do
  resources :categories, only: [:index, :show]
  get "newest/index", as: :newest

I've a controller with the following:

class LocaleController < ApplicationController
  def set
    session[:locale_override] = params[:locale]
    redirect_to params[:return_to]

I'm using this with something like this in the templates:

 = link_to set_locale_path(locale: :de, return_to: current_path(locale: :de)) do
   = image_tag 'de.png', style: 'vertical-align: middle'
     = t('.languages.german')

I'm wondering why there doesn't exist a helper in Rails such as current_path, something which is able to infer what route we are currently using, and re-route to it include new options.

The problem I have is using something like redirect_to :back, one pushes the user back to /en/........ (or /de/...) which makes for a crappy experience.

Until now I was storing the locale in the session, but this won't work for Google, and other indexing services.

I'm sure if I invested enough time I could some up with something that was smart enough to detect which route matched, and swap out the locale part, but I feel like this would be a hack.

I'm open to all thoughts, but this SO question suggests just using sub(); unfortunately with such short and frequently occurring strings as locale short codes, probably isn't too wise.

like image 568
Lee Hambley Avatar asked Jun 06 '12 20:06

Lee Hambley

2 Answers

If you are using the :locale scope, you can use url_for as current_path:

# Given your page is /en/category/newest with :locale set to 'en' by scope

url_for(:locale => :en) # => /en/category/newest
url_for(:locale => :de) # => /de/kategorie/neueste
like image 122
iblue Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11


In case somebody looks here, you can use request.fullpath which should give you all after domain name and therefore, will include locale.

like image 45
Kamil Sarna Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11

Kamil Sarna