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Rails collection_select custom name attribute

I have the following collection select which acts as a filter in a Rails app.

<%= form_tag( "/appointments", :method => "get", :id => "filter_form") do %>
   <%= collection_select :doctor, :id, @doctors, :id, :full_name, {:include_blank => 'All'} %>
<% end %>

This always generates a name attribute of the select element like name="doctor[id]" which results in the browser to ?utf8=✓&doctor%5Bid%5D=1, which is not quite readable.

How can I change the name attribute to just name = "doctor" or basically just remove the brackets from it?

like image 808
interboy Avatar asked May 02 '13 02:05


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1 Answers


The collection_select method contains the parameters "options" and "html_options". "options" allow you to add specific information, like {:include_blank => 'All'}, but does not replace html attributes.

You have to add the name to the next hash, like this:

<%= form_tag( "/appointments", :method => "get", :id => "filter_form") do %>
   <%= collection_select :doctor, :id, @doctors, :id, :full_name, {:include_blank => 'All'}, {:name => 'doctor'} %>
<% end %>
like image 182
Ronnie Cheng Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10

Ronnie Cheng