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Rails: Cannot have a has_many :through association before association is defined

Upgrading an app from Rails 4.2.9 to Rails 5.2.1.

Through much of the nasty part updating dependencies & whatnot and finally have app running in the console and now trying to hit pages on server. Some pages load but others:

Cannot have a has_many :through association 'User#clubs' which goes through 'User#memberships' before the through association is defined.

Not clear what may have changed in Rails 5 to trigger this? Not even sure where to start looking.


Seems to fail on line called out below:

class ViewableStories
  def for_user
          .in(@user.club_ids)        <<==== execution halts

Which is called from model/story.rb

  def self.viewable_published_stories_for(user)
      .includes(:cover_image, :user, :table_of_contents)
like image 368
Meltemi Avatar asked Oct 30 '18 23:10


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1 Answers

It is probably just an ordering issue in your model. The has_many has to come before the has_many through.

So right now, you probably have:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :clubs, through: :memberships
  has_many :memberships

You just need to move the has_many :memberships above the has_many through:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :memberships
  has_many :clubs, through: :memberships
like image 161
AbM Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 22:09