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Sort an array with hash elements based on a specific key [duplicate]

@cases => [{"name"=>"25 Cases per 60 day", "count"=>0},
 {"name"=>"30 Cases for 60 days", "count"=>8},
 {"name"=>"10 Cases per 60 days", "count"=>5}]

If I have an object which contains the previous results how can I sort by count in DESC order? To get the instance variable cases I did

ClassName.all.collect{|e| {'name' => e.name, 'count' => e.contracts.count}}
like image 533
Rafa Avatar asked Jan 30 '14 17:01


1 Answers

sorted = @cases.sort_by{ |hash| hash['count'] }.reverse
sorted = @cases.sort_by{ |hash| -hash['count'] }
sorted = @cases.sort_by{ |hash| -(hash['count'] || 0) }

The first is the simplest.

The second is what I would do.

The third is what you can do if some of the hashes are missing a 'count' value.

like image 53
Phrogz Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 21:11
