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Rails 5.1 API - how to permit params for nested JSON object's attributes

There are at least 10 questions on this topic but none of them answer this particular issue. Many of the questions relate to Rails forms like this, which I don't have, or to json structures that are more complicated, like this or this.

EDIT regarding the accepted answer and why this is not an exact duplicate

The linked question in the answer from @CarlosRoque initially looks to be the same problem but it only solves the Rails side of this particular issue.

If you read all the comments you will see multiple attempts at changing the template_params method were made to RENAME or REPLACE the nested attribute "template_items" with "template_items_attributes". This is necessary because Rails accepts_nested_attributes_for requires "_attributes" to be appended to the name, otherwise it cannot see it.

If you examine the monkey patch code in that answer to fix wrap_parameters so that it works for nested attributes, you still have the problem that it won't actually find "template_items" (the nested object) because it does not have the suffix "_attributes".

Therefore to fully solve this the client also had to be modified to send the nested object as "template_items_attributes". For JS clients this can be done by implementing a toJSON() method on the object to modify it during serialization (example here). But be aware that when you deserialize the JSON, you will need to manually create an instance of that object for toJSON() to work (explained why here).

I have a simple has_many / belongs_to:


class Template < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :account
  has_many :template_items
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :template_items, allow_destroy: true

class TemplateItem < ApplicationRecord  
  belongs_to :template
  validates_presence_of :template

  enum item_type: {item: 0, heading: 1} 

The json sent from the client looks like this:

  "id": "55e27eb7-1151-439d-87b7-2eba07f3e1f7",
  "account_id": "a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9",
  "name": "Test",
  "info": "INFO1234",
  "title": "TITLE1",
  "template_items": [
      "is_completed": false,
      "item_type": "item"
      "is_completed": false,
      "item_type": "heading"

Sometimes there will be an :id and a :content attribute in each template_item (eg. after they have been created and user starts editing them).

The template_params method of the templates_controller looks like this:

      :id, :account_id, :name, :title, :info, 
      template_items: [:id, :is_completed, :content, :item_type]

If this was a Rails form then that line would be:

      :id, :account_id, :name, :title, :info, 
      template_items_attributes: [:id, :is_completed, :content, :item_type]

for saving the nested children objects as part of the parent template update action.

I tried changing the nested param name:

def template_params
  params.require(:template).permit(:id, :account_id, :name, :title, :info, template_items: [:id, :is_completed, :content, :item_type])
  params[:template_items_attributes] = params.delete(:template_items) if params[:template_items]
  Rails.logger.info params

and I can see they are still not permitted:

      "template"   =><ActionController::Parameters   {  
      "id"      =>"55e27eb7-1151-439d-87b7-2eba07f3e1f7",
      "account_id"      =>"a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9",
      "name"      =>"Test",
      "info"      =>"INFO1234",
      "title"      =>"TITLE1",
   }   permitted:false   >,
   "template_items_attributes"   =>   [  
      <ActionController::Parameters      {  
         "is_completed"         =>false,
         "item_type"         =>"item"
      }      permitted:false      >,
      <ActionController::Parameters      {  
         "is_completed"         =>false,
         "item_type"         =>"item"
      }      permitted:false      >

I also tried merging:

template_params.merge! ({template_items_attributes:
params[:template_items]}) if params[:template_items].present?

Same problem.

So how can I ensure they are permitted and included in template_params WITHOUT just doing .permit! (ie. I don't want to permit everything blindly)?

The controller update method:

def update
    Rails.logger.info "*******HERE*******"
    Rails.logger.info template_params
    @template.template_items = template_params[:template_items_attributes]

    if @template.update(template_params)
      render json: @template
      render json: ErrorSerializer.serialize(@template.errors), status: :unprocessable_entity


If I send from the client "template_items_attributes" instead of "template_items" inside the parameters to Rails, and then do the recommended template_params like this:

    def template_params
      params.require(:template).permit(:id, :account_id, :name, :title, :info, template_items_attributes: [:id, :is_completed, :content, :item_type])

it still does not create new children for the template!

With this in place, I output the parameters before and afterwards, like this:

def update
    Rails.logger.info params
    Rails.logger.info "*******HERE*******"    
    Rails.logger.info template_params

    if @template.update(template_params)
      render json: @template
      render json: ErrorSerializer.serialize(@template.errors), status: :unprocessable_entity

And here is the log from this scenario - Rails is STILL completely ignoring the embedded array. Notice that params, just before HERE, shows permitted: false and then afterwards template_params no longer contains the children "template_items_attributes" and is marked permitted:true.

I, [2017-10-20T21:52:39.886104 #28142]  INFO -- : Processing by Api::TemplatesController#update as JSON
I, [2017-10-20T21:52:39.886254 #28142]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"id"=>"55e27eb7-1151-439d-87b7-2eba07f3e1f7", "account_id"=>"a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9", "name"=>"Test", "info"=>"INFO12345", "title"=>"TITLE1", "created_at"=>"2017-10-14T19:30:41.450Z", "updated_at"=>"2017-10-20T17:48:24.909Z", "template_items_attributes"=>[{"is_completed"=>false, "item_type"=>"item"}], "template"=>{"id"=>"55e27eb7-1151-439d-87b7-2eba07f3e1f7", "account_id"=>"a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9", "name"=>"Test", "info"=>"INFO12345", "title"=>"TITLE1", "created_at"=>"2017-10-14T19:30:41.450Z", "updated_at"=>"2017-10-20T17:48:24.909Z"}}
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:39.903011 #28142] DEBUG -- :   User Load (7.7ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."uid" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["uid", "[email protected]"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.072148 #28142] DEBUG -- :   Template Load (1.4ms)  SELECT  "templates".* FROM "templates" WHERE "templates"."id" = $1 ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT $2  [["id", "55e27eb7-1151-439d-87b7-2eba07f3e1f7"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
I, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.083727 #28142]  INFO -- : <ActionController::Parameters {"id"=>"55e27eb7-1151-439d-87b7-2eba07f3e1f7", "account_id"=>"a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9", "name"=>"Test", "info"=>"INFO12345", "title"=>"TITLE1", "created_at"=>"2017-10-14T19:30:41.450Z", "updated_at"=>"2017-10-20T17:48:24.909Z", "template_items_attributes"=>[{"is_completed"=>false, "item_type"=>"item"}], "controller"=>"api/templates", "action"=>"update", "template"=>{"id"=>"55e27eb7-1151-439d-87b7-2eba07f3e1f7", "account_id"=>"a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9", "name"=>"Test", "info"=>"INFO12345", "title"=>"TITLE1", "created_at"=>"2017-10-14T19:30:41.450Z", "updated_at"=>"2017-10-20T17:48:24.909Z"}} permitted: false>
I, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.083870 #28142]  INFO -- : *******HERE*******
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.084550 #28142] DEBUG -- : Unpermitted parameters: :created_at, :updated_at
I, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.084607 #28142]  INFO -- : <ActionController::Parameters {"id"=>"55e27eb7-1151-439d-87b7-2eba07f3e1f7", "account_id"=>"a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9", "name"=>"Test", "title"=>"TITLE1", "info"=>"INFO12345"} permitted: true>
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.084923 #28142] DEBUG -- : Unpermitted parameters: :created_at, :updated_at
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.085375 #28142] DEBUG -- :    (0.2ms)  BEGIN
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.114015 #28142] DEBUG -- :   Account Load (1.2ms)  SELECT  "accounts".* FROM "accounts" WHERE "accounts"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", "a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.131895 #28142] DEBUG -- :   Template Exists (0.8ms)  SELECT  1 AS one FROM "templates" WHERE "templates"."name" = $1 AND ("templates"."id" != $2) AND "templates"."account_id" = 'a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9' LIMIT $3  [["name", "Test"], ["id", "55e27eb7-1151-439d-87b7-2eba07f3e1f7"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.133754 #28142] DEBUG -- :    (0.3ms)  COMMIT
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.137763 #28142] DEBUG -- :   CACHE Account Load (0.0ms)  SELECT  "accounts".* FROM "accounts" WHERE "accounts"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", "a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.138714 #28142] DEBUG -- :    (0.2ms)  BEGIN
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.141293 #28142] DEBUG -- :   User Load (1.3ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2 FOR UPDATE  [["id", "88de3be9-6d18-4687-ab80-d50f78638ca9"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.235163 #28142] DEBUG -- :   Account Load (0.7ms)  SELECT  "accounts".* FROM "accounts" WHERE "accounts"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", "a61151b8-deed-4efa-8cad-da1b143196c9"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.240997 #28142] DEBUG -- :   SQL (1.4ms)  UPDATE "users" SET "tokens" = $1, "updated_at" = $2 WHERE "users"."id" = $3  [["tokens", "{\"ryyymFZ7fpH50rMKArjZ2Q\":{\"token\":\"$2a$10$4jkgRe4LBPxJ8fQUOKCSausUi7DbIUD0bE.7ZRoOuTHrRuX6CaWOe\",\"expiry\":1509293414,\"last_token\":\"$2a$10$cpI.mz81JFjQT0J9acCCl.NdrEatI5l17GtrwrAfwyhyN3xRExcaC\",\"updated_at\":\"2017-10-15T17:10:16.996+02:00\"},\"Y2y0maUT5WYSfH6VZeORag\":{\"token\":\"$2a$10$8KERiIwlc3rX.Mdu.CW6wOMLDbVyB2PFCaBIlw7/LUxC3ITpYTISW\",\"expiry\":1509293475,\"last_token\":\"$2a$10$r6Xw6798T1P7UZlTbEaXoeBCl9oK2fMs72ppAtars8Ai/kaE6nE66\",\"updated_at\":\"2017-10-15T17:11:18.066+02:00\"},\"9Cy48CPVj3WhFkEBPUZQ1Q\":{\"token\":\"$2a$10$Qy4JOD8.jIcPhf93MqFCIelnVaA/ssE31w5DlL8MShDuMROsLSNuS\",\"expiry\":1509293942,\"last_token\":\"$2a$10$e6sxklrHRRD1C15Ix/MqQOfACuCMznmzUjF296cpO1ypWVvJ.JFJK\",\"updated_at\":\"2017-10-15T17:19:05.200+02:00\"},\"O5iufW0Gacqs9sIfJ9705w\":{\"token\":\"$2a$10$EkDf7.y3lY9D36lAwNHBGuct97M6/HGDvnrUsD72c8zCsfVd8y9c2\",\"expiry\":1509482450,\"last_token\":\"$2a$10$S0kHEvKxom2Qgdy0r.q0aeTSlSBFkqU4XZeY91n3RkkYkQykmmGVi\",\"updated_at\":\"2017-10-17T21:40:50.300+02:00\"},\"ETOadoEtoxcz6rR6Ced_dA\":{\"token\":\"$2a$10$8t01bWv/PsVojs3cazuSg..FWa9SZwq1/PUDfuN1S4yBxnMFv2zre\",\"expiry\":1509742360,\"last_token\":\"$2a$10$hveuajISXDOjHLm9EkVzvOd3pwKkqE1rQnIFBoojf0vgMLXV2EvVe\",\"updated_at\":\"2017-10-20T21:52:40.233+02:00\"}}"], ["updated_at", "2017-10-20 19:52:40.236607"], ["id", "88de3be9-6d18-4687-ab80-d50f78638ca9"]]
D, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.243960 #28142] DEBUG -- :    (1.3ms)  COMMIT
I, [2017-10-20T21:52:40.244504 #28142]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 358ms (Views: 1.0ms | ActiveRecord: 37.7ms)
like image 213
rmcsharry Avatar asked Oct 20 '17 16:10


2 Answers

I think you forget that params.require(:template).permit( ... is a method that is returning a value and when you call params to modify it later you are only modifying params that have not been permitted yet. what you want to do is swap the order of when you are performing the parameter manipulation.

def template_params
  params[:template][:template_items_attributes] = params[:template_items_attributes]
  params.require(:template).permit(:id, :account_id, :name, :title, :info, template_items_attributes: [:id, :is_completed, :content, :item_type])

UPDATE: wrap_parameters was the culprit as it was not including nested parameters in the wrapped params. this fixes the issue

UPDATE: this answer implements a different solution Rails 4 Not Updating Nested Attributes Via JSON

This is a long open request in github!! crazy https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/19254

UPDATE: this was finally merged in AR 6 https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/62b7ad46c0f3ff24980956daadba46ccb2568445

like image 117
Carlos Roque Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 10:11

Carlos Roque

Problem Your problem is in your update action you are trying to save the associations on @template that have not been built yet. Because there are no 'ids' coming in with the hash, the update function just ignores them.

The Solution Is to iterate on the array of association hashes coming in through to the update action, and build them on the @template before calling update on the @template.

Here's the sudo code (haven't tried it, so don't copy paste) :


class Template < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :account
  has_many :template_items
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :template_items, allow_destroy: true

class TemplateItem < ApplicationRecord  
  belongs_to :template, optional:true  # <------ CHANGE
  validates_presence_of :template

  enum item_type: {item: 0, heading: 1} 

Strong params definition

      :id, :account_id, :name, :title, :info, 
      template_items_attributes: [:id, :is_completed, :content, :item_type]

Update Action

def update

    template_params.template_items.each do |item_hash| # <------ CHANGE

    if @template.update(template_params)
      render json: @template
      render json: ErrorSerializer.serialize(@template.errors), status: :unprocessable_entity
like image 43
Shaunak Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 10:11
