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Rails 4: Remove not null constraint from table column with migration?

Given the following schema.rb:

  create_table "people", force: true do |t|     t.string   "name",  null: false     t.integer  "age"     t.integer  "height"     t.string   "email"     t.boolean  "married",  default: false     t.text     "bio"     t.integer  "fav_number"     t.decimal  "lucky_num",  precision: 2, scale: 2     t.datetime "birthday"     t.datetime "created_at"     t.datetime "updated_at"   end 

I'd like to remove the name default value of null: false. I've tried running a separate migration with change_column_default, but that had no impact on schema.rb. Any suggestions?

like image 976
gabethegrape Avatar asked Apr 16 '14 02:04


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According to the documentation one of these options is :null which allows or disallows NULL values in the column. So, in summary :null => false would mean "Do not allow NULL values in the new or update column".

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add_foreign_key simply adds a foreign key constraint whether the field is required or not (in your case author_id in articles ). Did you get an error when you tried this in your migration? SO, if in your original migration of articles , author_id is null, then you can have foreign key that's nullable.

1 Answers

From the docs:

  def up     change_column_default :table_name, :status, 0   end    def down     change_column_default :table_name, :status, nil   end 
like image 126
luigi7up Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
