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Rails 4 assets - two different digests getting generated

I clearly must be Doing Something Wrong here. I'm wrestling with the asset pipeline (again). I have a custom font, and it seems to me to get everything to compile properly I need to use asset_path() in multiple places, but it's having an unexpected effect.

I realize there are several ways to do this, but here's what I have currently:

In application.css.scss.erb: @import "<%= asset_path("my-font.css") %>";

my-font.css's source file is app/assets/stylesheets/my-font.css.erb (it needs to be an .erb because I am also using asset_path() there as well).

In application.rb I am adding my-font.css to the precompile list. config.assets.precompile << 'my-font.css'

When I clean out public/assets and run rake assets:precompile Everything's getting compiled, with digests, but the digest applied to the actual file is not the same as the digest calculated and put in to application.css.

The resulting file is public/assets/my-font-2f25682a1ea904a866ef9f44101a5a2e.css but in public/assets/application-bba2edaee36771f4bdb5c89b8ec90aaf.css the reference to it is: @import url(/assets/my-font-ed843d3b174ca427edf963e473ad9e9b.css);

I realize I'm probably using asset_path() more than I should, and also importing files via url() instead of requiring them, but this has gotten me the closest to having things working.

I suspect one of the digests is being calculated on my-font.css before it goes through ERB, and the other after, but I don't understand why nor how to fix it.


like image 907
denishaskin Avatar asked Feb 28 '14 20:02


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How does Rails asset pipeline work?

The asset pipeline provides a framework to concatenate and minify or compress JavaScript and CSS assets. It also adds the ability to write these assets in other languages such as CoffeeScript, Sass and ERB. Prior to Rails 3.1 these features were added through third-party Ruby libraries such as Jammit and Sprockets.

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1 Answers

I would guess that you're cleaning your assets just by emptying public/assets. That's not enough, you'll also need to empty your tmp/cache/assets, or just run rake assets:clobber to do both.

like image 52
Ahmad Sherif Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 19:10

Ahmad Sherif