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rails 3 blog engine/gem that works on heroku, what to use?

I have spent some time looking for a rail3 blog engine for use on an existing site. I want the blog on the same domain as the application for SEO points eg www.site.com/blog not blog.site.com

Having spent some time on this I have found:

  • Toto
  • Jekyll. Which generate static pages, I really like this idea as its optimal under-load as its highly cached. Not sure how our not technical blog writers will cope with this.

Also I looked at more dynamic platforms like:

  • typo (which seams dated, I guess they are finding it hard to port to rails 3)
  • mephisto

Are people giving up on this as this post Need to link WP Blog with Rails App on Heroku suggests? Seams crazy given the value of this. Also, this post was good but not really conclusive for me https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1807670/blog-engine-for-rails-application.

like image 711
Ed_ Avatar asked Apr 07 '11 18:04


1 Answers

I've been really impressed by monologue, so far.


It's a bare-bones db-backed blog engine.

like image 153
Eliza Brock Marcum Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10

Eliza Brock Marcum