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RadioGroup empty field check using setError in Android

I was wondering how to setError for a RadioGroup[gender] with RadioButton's [gender_b,gender_c] if it is null.

This is how i'm getting the RadioButton values though:

private boolean genradiocheck() {

    boolean gender_flag = false;
    if (gender.getCheckedRadioButtonId() == -1) {

    } else {
        gender_b = (RadioButton) findViewById(gender
        System.out.println("*********************" + gender_b.getText());
        gender_flag = true;

    return gender_flag;

Now my question is, how do i put it into a string and check for null values?

This is for a Registration form validation. Thank you.

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MetaldroiD Avatar asked Mar 06 '14 04:03


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By default, the RadioButton in OFF(Unchecked) state but we can change the default state of RadioButton by using android:checked attribute. Click on File,then New => New Project. Then, check Include Kotlin Support and click next button. Select minimum SDK, whatever you need.

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How do you check whether a RadioGroup is checked or not?

here you go. Use getCheckedRadioButtonId() method on your RadioGroup to find out. It returns -1 when no RadioButton in the group is selected. You are already doing this.

1 Answers

setError() method is not available for RadioGroup but you can apply it for RadioButton.

Follow these steps:

  1. Make RadioButton object and initialise it with last item of RadioGroup.

    RadioButton lastRadioBtn = (RadioButton) view.findViewById(R.id.lastRadioBtn);
  2. Code below check if RadioGroup had been checked and also sets error if not.

    if(group.getCheckedRadioButtonId()<=0){//Grp is your radio group object
        lastRadioBtn.setError("Select Item");//Set error to last Radio button          


If you wish to clear Error:


Hope this will help.

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Crawler Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09
