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RabbitMQ: throttling fast producer against large queues with slow consumer

We're currently using RabbitMQ, where a continuously super-fast producer is paired with a consumer limited by a limited resource (e.g. slow-ish MySQL inserts).

We don't like declaring a queue with x-max-length, since all messages will be dropped or dead-lettered once the limit is reached, and we don't want to loose messages.

Adding more consumers is easy, but they'll all be limited by the one shared resource, so that won't work. The problem still remains: How to slow down the producer?

Sure, we could put a flow control flag in Redis, memcached, MySQL or something else that the producer reads as pointed out in an answer to a similar question, or perhaps better, the producer could periodically test for queue length and throttle itself, but these seem like hacks to me.

I'm mostly questioning whether I have a fundamental misunderstanding. I had expected this to be a common scenario, and so I'm wondering:

What is best practice for throttling producers? How is this done with RabbitMQ? Or do you do this in a completely different way?


Assume the producer actually knows how to slow himself down with the right input. E.g. a hardware sensor or hardware random number generator, that can generate as many events as needed.

In our particular real case, we have an API that users can use to add messages. Instead of devouring and discarding messages, we'd like to apply back-pressure by having our API return an error if the queue is "full", so the caller/user knows to back-off, or have the API block until the consumer catches up. We don't control our user, so regardless of how fast the consumer is, I can create a producer that is faster.

I was hoping for something like the API for a TCP socket, where a write() can block and where a select() can be used to determine if a handle is writable. So either having the RabbitMQ API block or have it return an error if the queue is full.

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Peter V. Mørch Avatar asked Jan 20 '15 09:01

Peter V. Mørch

People also ask

How many consumers can RabbitMQ handle?

Single active consumer allows to have only one consumer at a time consuming from a queue and to fail over to another registered consumer in case the active one is cancelled or dies. Consuming with only one consumer is useful when messages must be consumed and processed in the same order they arrive in the queue.

Can a producer be a consumer RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ, and messaging in general, uses some jargon. Note that the producer, consumer, and broker do not have to reside on the same host; indeed in most applications they don't. An application can be both a producer and consumer, too.

Can two consumers consume the same message RabbitMQ?

No it's not, single queue/multiple consumers with each consumer handling the same message ID isn't possible. Having the exchange route the message onto into two separate queues is indeed better.

1 Answers

For the x-max-length property, you said you don't want messages to be dropped or dead-lettered. I see there was an update in adding some more capabilities for this. As I see it is specified in the documentation:

"Use the overflow setting to configure queue overflow behaviour. If overflow is set to reject-publish, the most recently published messages will be discarded. In addition, if publisher confirms are enabled, the publisher will be informed of the reject via a basic.nack message"

So as I understand it, you can use queue limit to reject the new messages from publishers thus pushing some backpressure to the upstream.

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raduone Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09
