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Django celery tasks in separate server

We have two servers, Server A and Server B. Server A is dedicated for running django web app. Due to large number of data we decided to run the celery tasks in server B. Server A and B uses a common database. Tasks are initiated after post save in models from Server A,webapp. How to implement this idea using rabbitmq in my django project

like image 854
Thomas John Avatar asked May 22 '17 13:05

Thomas John

1 Answers

You have 2 servers, 1 project and 2 settings(1 per server).

server A (web server + rabbit)

server B (only celery for workers)

Then you set up the broker url in both settings. Something like this:

BROKER_URL = 'amqp://user:password@IP_SERVER_A:5672//' matching server A to IP of server A in server B settings.

For now, any task must be sent to rabbit in server A to virtual server /.

In server B, you must just initialize celery worker, something like this:

python manage.py celery worker -Q queue_name -l info

and thats it.

Explanation: django sends messages to rabbit to queue a task, then celery workers request some message to execute a task.

Note: Is not required that rabbitMQ have to be installed in server A, you can install rabbit in server C and reference it in the BROKER_URL in both settings(A and B) like this: BROKER_URL='amqp://user:password@IP_SERVER_C:5672//'.

Sorry for my English.


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Diego Puente Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Diego Puente