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RabbitMQ Failed to initialize erlang distribution

I have installed RabbitMQ but when I try to use rabbitmqctl status in cmd I have next result:

D:\RabbitMQ\rabbitmq_server-3.6.2\sbin>rabbitmqctl status
Error: Failed to initialize erlang distribution: {{shutdown, {failed_to_start_child, net_kernel, {'EXIT',nodistribution}}}, {child,undefined, net_sup_dynamic, {erl_distribution, start_link, [['rabbitmq-cli-70', shortnames]]}, permanent,1000,supervisor, [erl_distribution]}}.

Folder with Erlang : D:\erl7.3

I have following environment variables :
ERLANG_HOME : D:\erl7.3
ERLANG_SERVICE_MANAGER_PATH : D:\erl7.3\erts-7.3\bin

How can I fix this to RabbitMQ install correctly?

Additionally: I've done all steps from this tutorial programmershandbook.wordpress.com/2015/03/22/rabbitmq-setup but when I try work with cmd i have the same error.

And erl_crush.dump have following first strings:

Fri May 20 12:29:12 2016
Slogan: Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,kernel,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_sup,{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,net_kernel,{'EXIT',nodistribution}}}}},{k
System version: Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.3] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10]
Compiled: Mon Mar 14 21:51:02 2016
Atoms: 4811
Calling Thread: scheduler:3

It can be connected with using Windows 10 or something else?

like image 516
StrangeCube Avatar asked May 19 '16 16:05


2 Answers

Running the command with sudo worked for me

 » sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management                                                  
The following plugins have been enabled:
like image 122
Dr Manhattan Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Dr Manhattan

I solved this error running the same command with sudo permission

like image 23
Rafael Ramon Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Rafael Ramon