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R: Using the bigmemory library for classification with randomForest

has anyone been able to set up a classification (not a regressions) using randomForest AND the bigmemory library. I am aware that the 'formula approach" cannot be used and we have to resort to the "x=predictors, y=response approach". It appears that the big memory library is unable to deal with a response vector that has categorical values (its a matrix, after all). In my case, I have two levels, both represented as characters.

According to the bigmemory documentation..."A data frame will have character vectors converted to factors, and then all factors converted to numeric factor levels"

Any suggested workarounds to get randomForest classification to work with bigmemory?

#EXAMPLE to problem
# Removing any extra objects from my workspace (just in case)

#first small matrix
small.mat <- matrix(sample(0:1,5000,replace = TRUE),1000,5)
colnames(small.mat) <- paste("V",1:5,sep = "")
small.mat[,5] <- as.factor(small.mat[,5]) 
small.rf <- randomForest(V5 ~ .,data = small.mat, mtry=2, do.trace=100)
small.result <- matrix(0,1000,1)
small.result <- predict(small.rf, data=small.mat[,-5])

#now small dataframe Works!
small.mat <- matrix(sample(0:1,5000,replace = TRUE),1000,5)
colnames(small.mat) <- paste("V",1:5,sep = "")
small.data <- as.data.frame(small.mat)

small.data[,5] <- as.factor(small.data[,5]) 
small.rf <- randomForest(V5 ~ .,data = small.data, mtry=2, do.trace=100)
small.result <- matrix(0,1000,1)
small.result <- predict(small.rf, data=small.data[,-5])

#then big matrix Classification Does NOT Work :-(
big.mat <- as.big.matrix(small.mat, type = "integer")
#Line below throws error, "cannot coerce class 'structure("big.matrix", package = "bigmemory")' into a data.frame"
big.rf <- randomForest(V5~.,data = big.mat, do.trace=10)

#Runs without error but only regression
big.rf <- randomForest(x = big.mat[,-5], y = big.mat[,5], mtry=2, do.trace=100)
big.result <- matrix(0,1000,1)
big.result <- predict(big.rf, data=big.mat[,-5])
like image 563
auro Avatar asked Nov 14 '22 06:11


1 Answers

bigrf package may help. Currently, it supports classification with a limited number of features.

like image 66
Nhan Vu Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 07:01

Nhan Vu