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R: sourcing files using a relative path



Sourcing files using a relative path is useful when dealing with large codebases. Other programming languages have well-defined mechanisms for sourcing files using a path relative to the directory of the file being sourced into. An example is Ruby's require_relative. What is a good way to implement relative path sourcing in R?

Below is what I pieced together a while back using various recipes and R forum posts. It's worked well for me for straight development but is not robust. For example, it breaks when the files are loaded via the testthat library, specifically auto_test(). rscript_stack() returns character(0).

# Returns the stack of RScript files rscript_stack <- function() {   Filter(Negate(is.null), lapply(sys.frames(), function(x) x$ofile)) }  # Returns the current RScript file path rscript_current <- function() {   stack <- rscript_stack()   r <- as.character(stack[length(stack)])   first_char <- substring(r, 1, 1)   if (first_char != '~' && first_char != .Platform$file.sep) {     r <- file.path(getwd(), r)   }   r }  # Sources relative to the current script source_relative <- function(relative_path, ...) {   source(file.path(dirname(rscript_current()), relative_path), ...) } 

Do you know of a better source_relative implementation?

like image 373
Sim Avatar asked Aug 21 '12 04:08


People also ask

What is a relative file path in R?

Relative file paths. When R starts a session, it has a location to look for other files. This path is called the current working directory, and this is often shortened to the working directory. Relative paths in a program are specified as starting at the current working directory.

How do I create a relative path to a file?

A relative path refers to a location that is relative to a current directory. Relative paths make use of two special symbols, a dot (.) and a double-dot (..), which translate into the current directory and the parent directory. Double dots are used for moving up in the hierarchy.

1 Answers

After a discussion with @hadley on GitHub, I realized that my question goes against the common development patterns in R.

It seems that in R files that are sourced often assume that the working directory (getwd()) is set to the directory they are in. To make this work, source has a chdir argument whose default value is FALSE. When set to TRUE, it will change the working directory to the directory of the file being sourced.

In summary:

  1. Assume that source is always relative because the working directory of the file being sourced is set to the directory where the file is.

  2. To make this work, always set chdir=T when you source files from another directory, e.g., source('lib/stats/big_stats.R', chdir=T).

For convenient sourcing of entire directories in a predictable way I wrote sourceDir, which sources files in a directory in alphabetical order.

sourceDir <- function (path, pattern = "\\.[rR]$", env = NULL, chdir = TRUE)  {     files <- sort(dir(path, pattern, full.names = TRUE))     lapply(files, source, chdir = chdir) } 
like image 84
Sim Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
