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Subset and ggplot2





I have a problem to plot a subset of a data frame with ggplot2. My df is like:

df = data.frame(ID = c('P1', 'P1', 'P2', 'P2', 'P3', 'P3'),
                Value1 = c(100, 120, 300, 400, 130, 140),
                Value2 = c(12, 13, 11, 16, 15, 12))

How can I now plot Value1 vs Value2 only for IDs 'P1' and 'P3'? For example I tried:

ggplot(subset(df,ID=="P1 & P3") +
  geom_line(aes(Value1, Value2, group=ID, colour=ID)))

but I always receive an error.

like image 779
matteo Avatar asked Aug 10 '13 19:08


People also ask

Can you use subset in Ggplot?

Method 1: Using subset() function Here, we use subset() function for plotting only subset of DataFrame inside ggplot() function inplace of data DataFrame. All other things are same. Parameters: It takes data object to be subsetted as it's first parameter.

Can you filter data in Ggplot?

ggplot2 allows you to do data manipulation, such as filtering or slicing, within the data argument.

3 Answers

Here 2 options for subsetting:

Using subset from base R:

ggplot(subset(dat,ID %in% c("P1" , "P3"))) + 
         geom_line(aes(Value1, Value2, group=ID, colour=ID))

Using subset the argument of geom_line(Note I am using plyr package to use the special . function).

  geom_line(aes(Value1, Value2, group=ID, colour=ID),
                ,subset = .(ID %in% c("P1" , "P3")))

You can also use the complementary subsetting:

subset(dat,ID != "P2")
like image 166
agstudy Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10


There's another solution that I find useful, especially when I want to plot multiple subsets of the same object:

myplot<-ggplot(df)+geom_line(aes(Value1, Value2, group=ID, colour=ID))
myplot %+% subset(df, ID %in% c("P1","P3"))
myplot %+% subset(df, ID %in% c("P2"))
like image 35
Nick Isaac Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09

Nick Isaac

With option 2 in @agstudy's answer now deprecated, defining data with a function can be handy.

ggplot(data=dat) + 
  geom_line(aes(Value1, Value2, group=ID, colour=ID),
            data=function(x){x$ID %in% c("P1", "P3"))

This approach comes in handy if you wish to reuse a dataset in the same plot, e.g. you don't want to specify a new column in the data.frame, or you want to explicitly plot one dataset in a layer above the other.:

ggplot(data=dat, aes(Value1, Value2, group=ID, colour=ID)) + 
  geom_line(data=function(x){x[!x$ID %in% c("P1", "P3"), ]}, alpha=0.5) +
  geom_line(data=function(x){x[x$ID %in% c("P1", "P3"), ]})
like image 14
Dave Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09
