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R - Shiny | Error in cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append) : argument 1 (type 'list') cannot be handled by 'cat'

I am trying to write a Shiny app and need to first manipulate my data before I begin visualizing it. I have three inputs to manipulate the data. 1. Channel 2. Exclude a word 3. Find all comments with this word in it

I am able to accomplish the first two but when it comes to making using the grep() function to find all rows that contain a certain word I am running into the following error "Error in cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append) : argument 1 (type 'list') cannot be handled by 'cat'"

Anyone have an idea of how to handle this? Or what exactly is causing it? I think it is the grep() function that is using a list to tell me what rows contain the word. But I am not sure of a work around and have spend to much time on this as is

Please find my two snippets of code below;



titlePanel("Groupon Word Cloud"),


  selectInput(    inputId   = "selection", 
                  label     = "Choose a Supply Channel",
                  choices   = c('All',
                  selected  = 'All'),
  textInput(      inputId   = "exclude", 
                  label     = "Exclude a word"),
  textInput(      inputId   = "drill", 
                  label     = "Drill down into a word"),
  submitButton(   text      = "Update"),
  dateRangeInput( inputId   = "date", 
                  label     = "Date Range",
                  start     = "2015-02-01", 
                  end       = NULL , 
                  min       = '2015-02-01',
                  max       = NULL,
                  format    = "yyyy-mm-dd", 
                  startview = 'month',
                  weekstart = 0,
                  language  = "en", 
                  separator = "to"),
  sliderInput(    inputId   = "freq",
                  label     ="Minimum Frequency:",
                  min       = 1,
                  max       = 50, 
                  value     = 15),
  sliderInput(    inputId   = "max",
                  label     = "Maximum Number of Words:",
                  min       = 1,  
                  max       = 300,  
                  value     = 100)),

# Show Word Cloud

) )



    #Load and manipulate data on App opening
    survey_data   <- read.delim(file = "data/Survey_Monkey_3_1_2015.txt"
                            , header = TRUE
                            , sep = "|"
                            , quote = ""
                            , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    survey_data <- subset(survey_data, survey_data$Misc_Text_Feedback != '?')
    survey_data <- survey_data[,c(2,6)]

    stopWords     <- read.csv  (file = 'data/stop_words.csv')
    stopWords     <- as.character(stopWords[,2])

    function(input, output) {
    #Data subset based on Supply Channel Selection 
    data <- reactive({
      if (input$selection == 'All') { 
        } else {
          drill <- survey_data
          drill <- grep(input$drill, drill$Misc_Text_Feedback, value = TRUE)
      } else { 
          subset(survey_data, survey_data$Supply_Channel == input$selection )
        } else {
          drill <- subset(survey_data, survey_data$Supply_Channel == input$selection)
          drill <- grep(input$drill, drill$Misc_Text_Feedback)
    stops <- reactive({
      stopWords <- lappend(stopWords, input$exclude)
    output$table <- renderText({
      data <- data()
      head(data, n = 300)

Any help you can give or comments on my current code is greatly appreciated. I also have sourced a function I used to append words to a list which is listed below


lappend <- function(lst, obj) {
  lst[[length(lst)+1]] <- obj

Data Head

The head for my data looks like below

  2. 1234......Goods..............'My experience was great'
  3. 1235......N/A..................'My experience was terrible'
  4. 1236......National...........'I ordered this item'
  5. 1237......Goods..............'I got a refund'

Apologies for the poor formatting above.

like image 904
Jacob Johnston Avatar asked Mar 13 '15 20:03

Jacob Johnston

Video Answer

3 Answers

In my experience the error argument 1 (type 'list') cannot be handled by 'cat' comes from passing a list to a render...() command. My guess is that you're passing a list to the output$table <- renderText({ at the bottom of server.r.

In addition, all the examples I've seen of renderText() just render a single line of text. If you want to render multiple lines, try renderUI(), which can also handle some types of lists, such as Shiny's own tagList().

like image 173
3D0G Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09


Just for register (Maybe useful for someone). I had the same problem, for me the solution was to change renderText to renderPrint.

But in my case I was trying to make a summary of a lm().

like image 34
RRuiz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09


I had exactly this error today.

Solution: there was a }) missing at the end of an output$something statement.

It didn't show up as an error when compiling, so it was hard to spot.

like image 34
Dave Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09
