I have downloaded the street abbreviations from USPS. Here is the data:
structure(list(common_abbrev = c("allee", "alley", "ally", "aly",
"anex", "annex", "annx", "anx", "arc", "arcade", "av", "ave",
"aven", "avenu", "avenue", "avn", "avnue", "bayoo", "bayou",
"bch", "beach", "bend", "bnd", "blf", "bluf", "bluff", "bluffs",
"bot", "btm", "bottm", "bottom", "blvd", "boul", "boulevard",
"boulv", "br", "brnch", "branch", "brdge", "brg", "bridge", "brk",
"brook", "brooks", "burg", "burgs", "byp", "bypa", "bypas", "bypass",
"byps", "camp", "cp", "cmp", "canyn", "canyon", "cnyn", "cape",
"cpe", "causeway", "causwa", "cswy", "cen", "cent", "center",
"centr", "centre", "cnter", "cntr", "ctr", "centers", "cir",
"circ", "circl", "circle", "crcl", "crcle", "circles", "clf",
"cliff", "clfs", "cliffs", "clb", "club", "common", "commons",
"cor", "corner", "corners", "cors", "course", "crse", "court",
"ct", "courts", "cts", "cove", "cv", "coves", "creek", "crk",
"crescent", "cres", "crsent", "crsnt", "crest", "crossing", "crssng",
"xing", "crossroad", "crossroads", "curve", "dale", "dl", "dam",
"dm", "div", "divide", "dv", "dvd", "dr", "driv", "drive", "drv",
"drives", "est", "estate", "estates", "ests", "exp", "expr",
"express", "expressway", "expw", "expy", "ext", "extension",
"extn", "extnsn", "exts", "fall", "falls", "fls", "ferry", "frry",
"fry", "field", "fld", "fields", "flds", "flat", "flt", "flats",
"flts", "ford", "frd", "fords", "forest", "forests", "frst",
"forg", "forge", "frg", "forges", "fork", "frk", "forks", "frks",
"fort", "frt", "ft", "freeway", "freewy", "frway", "frwy", "fwy",
"garden", "gardn", "grden", "grdn", "gardens", "gdns", "grdns",
"gateway", "gatewy", "gatway", "gtway", "gtwy", "glen", "gln",
"glens", "green", "grn", "greens", "grov", "grove", "grv", "groves",
"harb", "harbor", "harbr", "hbr", "hrbor", "harbors", "haven",
"hvn", "ht", "hts", "highway", "highwy", "hiway", "hiwy", "hway",
"hwy", "hill", "hl", "hills", "hls", "hllw", "hollow", "hollows",
"holw", "holws", "inlt", "is", "island", "islnd", "islands",
"islnds", "iss", "isle", "isles", "jct", "jction", "jctn", "junction",
"junctn", "juncton", "jctns", "jcts", "junctions", "key", "ky",
"keys", "kys", "knl", "knol", "knoll", "knls", "knolls", "lk",
"lake", "lks", "lakes", "land", "landing", "lndg", "lndng", "lane",
"ln", "lgt", "light", "lights", "lf", "loaf", "lck", "lock",
"lcks", "locks", "ldg", "ldge", "lodg", "lodge", "loop", "loops",
"mall", "mnr", "manor", "manors", "mnrs", "meadow", "mdw", "mdws",
"meadows", "medows", "mews", "mill", "mills", "missn", "mssn",
"motorway", "mnt", "mt", "mount", "mntain", "mntn", "mountain",
"mountin", "mtin", "mtn", "mntns", "mountains", "nck", "neck",
"orch", "orchard", "orchrd", "oval", "ovl", "overpass", "park",
"prk", "parks", "parkway", "parkwy", "pkway", "pkwy", "pky",
"parkways", "pkwys", "pass", "passage", "path", "paths", "pike",
"pikes", "pine", "pines", "pnes", "pl", "plain", "pln", "plains",
"plns", "plaza", "plz", "plza", "point", "pt", "points", "pts",
"port", "prt", "ports", "prts", "pr", "prairie", "prr", "rad",
"radial", "radiel", "radl", "ramp", "ranch", "ranches", "rnch",
"rnchs", "rapid", "rpd", "rapids", "rpds", "rest", "rst", "rdg",
"rdge", "ridge", "rdgs", "ridges", "riv", "river", "rvr", "rivr",
"rd", "road", "roads", "rds", "route", "row", "rue", "run", "shl",
"shoal", "shls", "shoals", "shoar", "shore", "shr", "shoars",
"shores", "shrs", "skyway", "spg", "spng", "spring", "sprng",
"spgs", "spngs", "springs", "sprngs", "spur", "spurs", "sq",
"sqr", "sqre", "squ", "square", "sqrs", "squares", "sta", "station",
"statn", "stn", "stra", "strav", "straven", "stravenue", "stravn",
"strvn", "strvnue", "stream", "streme", "strm", "street", "strt",
"st", "str", "streets", "smt", "suite", "sumit", "sumitt", "summit",
"ter", "terr", "terrace", "throughway", "trace", "traces", "trce",
"track", "tracks", "trak", "trk", "trks", "trafficway", "trail",
"trails", "trl", "trls", "trailer", "trlr", "trlrs", "tunel",
"tunl", "tunls", "tunnel", "tunnels", "tunnl", "trnpk", "turnpike",
"turnpk", "underpass", "un", "union", "unions", "valley", "vally",
"vlly", "vly", "valleys", "vlys", "vdct", "via", "viadct", "viaduct",
"view", "vw", "views", "vws", "vill", "villag", "village", "villg",
"villiage", "vlg", "villages", "vlgs", "ville", "vl", "vis",
"vist", "vista", "vst", "vsta", "walk", "walks", "wall", "wy",
"way", "ways", "well", "wells", "wls"), usps_abbrev = c("aly",
"aly", "aly", "aly", "anx", "anx", "anx", "anx", "arc", "arc",
"ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "byu", "byu",
"bch", "bch", "bnd", "bnd", "blf", "blf", "blf", "blfs", "btm",
"btm", "btm", "btm", "blvd", "blvd", "blvd", "blvd", "br", "br",
"br", "brg", "brg", "brg", "brk", "brk", "brks", "bg", "bgs",
"byp", "byp", "byp", "byp", "byp", "cp", "cp", "cp", "cyn", "cyn",
"cyn", "cpe", "cpe", "cswy", "cswy", "cswy", "ctr", "ctr", "ctr",
"ctr", "ctr", "ctr", "ctr", "ctr", "ctrs", "cir", "cir", "cir",
"cir", "cir", "cir", "cirs", "clf", "clf", "clfs", "clfs", "clb",
"clb", "cmn", "cmns", "cor", "cor", "cors", "cors", "crse", "crse",
"ct", "ct", "cts", "cts", "cv", "cv", "cvs", "crk", "crk", "cres",
"cres", "cres", "cres", "crst", "xing", "xing", "xing", "xrd",
"xrds", "curv", "dl", "dl", "dm", "dm", "dv", "dv", "dv", "dv",
"dr", "dr", "dr", "dr", "drs", "est", "est", "ests", "ests",
"expy", "expy", "expy", "expy", "expy", "expy", "ext", "ext",
"ext", "ext", "exts", "fall", "fls", "fls", "fry", "fry", "fry",
"fld", "fld", "flds", "flds", "flt", "flt", "flts", "flts", "frd",
"frd", "frds", "frst", "frst", "frst", "frg", "frg", "frg", "frgs",
"frk", "frk", "frks", "frks", "ft", "ft", "ft", "fwy", "fwy",
"fwy", "fwy", "fwy", "gdn", "gdn", "gdn", "gdn", "gdns", "gdns",
"gdns", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gln", "gln",
"glns", "grn", "grn", "grns", "grv", "grv", "grv", "grvs", "hbr",
"hbr", "hbr", "hbr", "hbr", "hbrs", "hvn", "hvn", "hts", "hts",
"hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hl", "hl", "hls",
"hls", "holw", "holw", "holw", "holw", "holw", "inlt", "is",
"is", "is", "iss", "iss", "iss", "isle", "isle", "jct", "jct",
"jct", "jct", "jct", "jct", "jcts", "jcts", "jcts", "ky", "ky",
"kys", "kys", "knl", "knl", "knl", "knls", "knls", "lk", "lk",
"lks", "lks", "land", "lndg", "lndg", "lndg", "ln", "ln", "lgt",
"lgt", "lgts", "lf", "lf", "lck", "lck", "lcks", "lcks", "ldg",
"ldg", "ldg", "ldg", "loop", "loop", "mall", "mnr", "mnr", "mnrs",
"mnrs", "mdw", "mdws", "mdws", "mdws", "mdws", "mews", "ml",
"mls", "msn", "msn", "mtwy", "mt", "mt", "mt", "mtn", "mtn",
"mtn", "mtn", "mtn", "mtn", "mtns", "mtns", "nck", "nck", "orch",
"orch", "orch", "oval", "oval", "opas", "park", "park", "park",
"pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pass",
"psge", "path", "path", "pike", "pike", "pne", "pnes", "pnes",
"pl", "pln", "pln", "plns", "plns", "plz", "plz", "plz", "pt",
"pt", "pts", "pts", "prt", "prt", "prts", "prts", "pr", "pr",
"pr", "radl", "radl", "radl", "radl", "ramp", "rnch", "rnch",
"rnch", "rnch", "rpd", "rpd", "rpds", "rpds", "rst", "rst", "rdg",
"rdg", "rdg", "rdgs", "rdgs", "riv", "riv", "riv", "riv", "rd",
"rd", "rds", "rds", "rte", "row", "rue", "run", "shl", "shl",
"shls", "shls", "shr", "shr", "shr", "shrs", "shrs", "shrs",
"skwy", "spg", "spg", "spg", "spg", "spgs", "spgs", "spgs", "spgs",
"spur", "spur", "sq", "sq", "sq", "sq", "sq", "sqs", "sqs", "sta",
"sta", "sta", "sta", "stra", "stra", "stra", "stra", "stra",
"stra", "stra", "strm", "strm", "strm", "st", "st", "st", "st",
"sts", "smt", "ste", "smt", "smt", "smt", "ter", "ter", "ter",
"trwy", "trce", "trce", "trce", "trak", "trak", "trak", "trak",
"trak", "trfy", "trl", "trl", "trl", "trl", "trlr", "trlr", "trlr",
"tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tpke", "tpke",
"tpke", "upas", "un", "un", "uns", "vly", "vly", "vly", "vly",
"vlys", "vlys", "via", "via", "via", "via", "vw", "vw", "vws",
"vws", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlgs", "vlgs",
"vl", "vl", "vis", "vis", "vis", "vis", "vis", "walk", "walk",
"wall", "way", "way", "ways", "wl", "wls", "wls")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
I would like to use them to work with street addresses and states. Toy data:
a <- c("10900 harper ave", "12235 davis annex", "24 van cortland parkway")
To convert common abbreviations to the usps abbreviation (standardizing the data), I built a little function:
mr_zip <- function(x){
x <-textclean::mgsub(usps_streets$common_abbrev, usps_streets$usps_abbrev, x, fixed = T,
order.pattern = T)
The problem arises when I apply my function to my data:
f <- sapply(a, mr_zip)
I get the wrong results:
"10900 harper avee" "1235 davis anx" "24 van cortland pkway"
Because what I should be getting is:
"10900 harper ave" "1235 davis anx" "24 van cortland pkwy"
My questions:
order.pattern = T
and fixed = T
in the mgsub
function?Thanks in advance, all suggestions are welcome.
EDIT: Thanks to @RichieSacramento I have found that using the word boundary does help but the function is still incredibly slow when used on a large dataframe (> 400,000 rows). Using safe = TRUE
in mgsub
leads to the function working properly but it's incredibly slow. Something quick would be desired--hence the bounty.
To r etrieve or replace a character string substring in R, use the substr () method. To extract the substring of the column in R, use the functions like substr () and substring (). The substr () is a built-in R method that returns the s ubstrings of a character vector. It extracts or replaces substrings in a character vector.
If you want to replace a substring with a string with different length, you might have a look at the gsub function. However, let’s move on to the next example. Another difference between substr and substring is the possibility to extract several substrings with one line of code. With substr, this is not possible.
We get the Error: argument “stop” is missing, with no default If we apply the substr () function to several starting or stopping points, the function uses only the first entry (for example, the stopping point 1). That is it for the R substr () method.
Basic R Syntax: substr(x, start = 2, stop = 5) substring(x, first = 2, last = 5) Both, the R substr and substring functions extract or replace substrings in a character vector. The basic R syntax for the substr and substring functions is illustrated above.
I am writing an additional answer, because my original answer couldn't hold such long text and code anymore.
Dear colleagues, below I have collected all the functions that were created here in one collective code block so that anyone who wants to can try it out and do not have to combine it with several answers.
First of all, I unified all the functions so that each accepts two arguments at the input and returns a modified tibble at the output. I also moved all internal functions outside of processing functions.
Finally, I performed benchmarks for tables with 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000 rows.
Here is all the code
USPS = tibble(
common_abbrev = c("allee", "alley", "ally", "aly",
"anex", "annex", "annx", "anx", "arc", "arcade", "av", "ave",
"aven", "avenu", "avenue", "avn", "avnue", "bayoo", "bayou",
"bch", "beach", "bend", "bnd", "blf", "bluf", "bluff", "bluffs",
"bot", "btm", "bottm", "bottom", "blvd", "boul", "boulevard",
"boulv", "br", "brnch", "branch", "brdge", "brg", "bridge", "brk",
"brook", "brooks", "burg", "burgs", "byp", "bypa", "bypas", "bypass",
"byps", "camp", "cp", "cmp", "canyn", "canyon", "cnyn", "cape",
"cpe", "causeway", "causwa", "cswy", "cen", "cent", "center",
"centr", "centre", "cnter", "cntr", "ctr", "centers", "cir",
"circ", "circl", "circle", "crcl", "crcle", "circles", "clf",
"cliff", "clfs", "cliffs", "clb", "club", "common", "commons",
"cor", "corner", "corners", "cors", "course", "crse", "court",
"ct", "courts", "cts", "cove", "cv", "coves", "creek", "crk",
"crescent", "cres", "crsent", "crsnt", "crest", "crossing", "crssng",
"xing", "crossroad", "crossroads", "curve", "dale", "dl", "dam",
"dm", "div", "divide", "dv", "dvd", "dr", "driv", "drive", "drv",
"drives", "est", "estate", "estates", "ests", "exp", "expr",
"express", "expressway", "expw", "expy", "ext", "extension",
"extn", "extnsn", "exts", "fall", "falls", "fls", "ferry", "frry",
"fry", "field", "fld", "fields", "flds", "flat", "flt", "flats",
"flts", "ford", "frd", "fords", "forest", "forests", "frst",
"forg", "forge", "frg", "forges", "fork", "frk", "forks", "frks",
"fort", "frt", "ft", "freeway", "freewy", "frway", "frwy", "fwy",
"garden", "gardn", "grden", "grdn", "gardens", "gdns", "grdns",
"gateway", "gatewy", "gatway", "gtway", "gtwy", "glen", "gln",
"glens", "green", "grn", "greens", "grov", "grove", "grv", "groves",
"harb", "harbor", "harbr", "hbr", "hrbor", "harbors", "haven",
"hvn", "ht", "hts", "highway", "highwy", "hiway", "hiwy", "hway",
"hwy", "hill", "hl", "hills", "hls", "hllw", "hollow", "hollows",
"holw", "holws", "inlt", "is", "island", "islnd", "islands",
"islnds", "iss", "isle", "isles", "jct", "jction", "jctn", "junction",
"junctn", "juncton", "jctns", "jcts", "junctions", "key", "ky",
"keys", "kys", "knl", "knol", "knoll", "knls", "knolls", "lk",
"lake", "lks", "lakes", "land", "landing", "lndg", "lndng", "lane",
"ln", "lgt", "light", "lights", "lf", "loaf", "lck", "lock",
"lcks", "locks", "ldg", "ldge", "lodg", "lodge", "loop", "loops",
"mall", "mnr", "manor", "manors", "mnrs", "meadow", "mdw", "mdws",
"meadows", "medows", "mews", "mill", "mills", "missn", "mssn",
"motorway", "mnt", "mt", "mount", "mntain", "mntn", "mountain",
"mountin", "mtin", "mtn", "mntns", "mountains", "nck", "neck",
"orch", "orchard", "orchrd", "oval", "ovl", "overpass", "park",
"prk", "parks", "parkway", "parkwy", "pkway", "pkwy", "pky",
"parkways", "pkwys", "pass", "passage", "path", "paths", "pike",
"pikes", "pine", "pines", "pnes", "pl", "plain", "pln", "plains",
"plns", "plaza", "plz", "plza", "point", "pt", "points", "pts",
"port", "prt", "ports", "prts", "pr", "prairie", "prr", "rad",
"radial", "radiel", "radl", "ramp", "ranch", "ranches", "rnch",
"rnchs", "rapid", "rpd", "rapids", "rpds", "rest", "rst", "rdg",
"rdge", "ridge", "rdgs", "ridges", "riv", "river", "rvr", "rivr",
"rd", "road", "roads", "rds", "route", "row", "rue", "run", "shl",
"shoal", "shls", "shoals", "shoar", "shore", "shr", "shoars",
"shores", "shrs", "skyway", "spg", "spng", "spring", "sprng",
"spgs", "spngs", "springs", "sprngs", "spur", "spurs", "sq",
"sqr", "sqre", "squ", "square", "sqrs", "squares", "sta", "station",
"statn", "stn", "stra", "strav", "straven", "stravenue", "stravn",
"strvn", "strvnue", "stream", "streme", "strm", "street", "strt",
"st", "str", "streets", "smt", "suite", "sumit", "sumitt", "summit",
"ter", "terr", "terrace", "throughway", "trace", "traces", "trce",
"track", "tracks", "trak", "trk", "trks", "trafficway", "trail",
"trails", "trl", "trls", "trailer", "trlr", "trlrs", "tunel",
"tunl", "tunls", "tunnel", "tunnels", "tunnl", "trnpk", "turnpike",
"turnpk", "underpass", "un", "union", "unions", "valley", "vally",
"vlly", "vly", "valleys", "vlys", "vdct", "via", "viadct", "viaduct",
"view", "vw", "views", "vws", "vill", "villag", "village", "villg",
"villiage", "vlg", "villages", "vlgs", "ville", "vl", "vis",
"vist", "vista", "vst", "vsta", "walk", "walks", "wall", "wy",
"way", "ways", "well", "wells", "wls"),
usps_abbrev = c("aly",
"aly", "aly", "aly", "anx", "anx", "anx", "anx", "arc", "arc",
"ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "byu", "byu",
"bch", "bch", "bnd", "bnd", "blf", "blf", "blf", "blfs", "btm",
"btm", "btm", "btm", "blvd", "blvd", "blvd", "blvd", "br", "br",
"br", "brg", "brg", "brg", "brk", "brk", "brks", "bg", "bgs",
"byp", "byp", "byp", "byp", "byp", "cp", "cp", "cp", "cyn", "cyn",
"cyn", "cpe", "cpe", "cswy", "cswy", "cswy", "ctr", "ctr", "ctr",
"ctr", "ctr", "ctr", "ctr", "ctr", "ctrs", "cir", "cir", "cir",
"cir", "cir", "cir", "cirs", "clf", "clf", "clfs", "clfs", "clb",
"clb", "cmn", "cmns", "cor", "cor", "cors", "cors", "crse", "crse",
"ct", "ct", "cts", "cts", "cv", "cv", "cvs", "crk", "crk", "cres",
"cres", "cres", "cres", "crst", "xing", "xing", "xing", "xrd",
"xrds", "curv", "dl", "dl", "dm", "dm", "dv", "dv", "dv", "dv",
"dr", "dr", "dr", "dr", "drs", "est", "est", "ests", "ests",
"expy", "expy", "expy", "expy", "expy", "expy", "ext", "ext",
"ext", "ext", "exts", "fall", "fls", "fls", "fry", "fry", "fry",
"fld", "fld", "flds", "flds", "flt", "flt", "flts", "flts", "frd",
"frd", "frds", "frst", "frst", "frst", "frg", "frg", "frg", "frgs",
"frk", "frk", "frks", "frks", "ft", "ft", "ft", "fwy", "fwy",
"fwy", "fwy", "fwy", "gdn", "gdn", "gdn", "gdn", "gdns", "gdns",
"gdns", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gln", "gln",
"glns", "grn", "grn", "grns", "grv", "grv", "grv", "grvs", "hbr",
"hbr", "hbr", "hbr", "hbr", "hbrs", "hvn", "hvn", "hts", "hts",
"hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hl", "hl", "hls",
"hls", "holw", "holw", "holw", "holw", "holw", "inlt", "is",
"is", "is", "iss", "iss", "iss", "isle", "isle", "jct", "jct",
"jct", "jct", "jct", "jct", "jcts", "jcts", "jcts", "ky", "ky",
"kys", "kys", "knl", "knl", "knl", "knls", "knls", "lk", "lk",
"lks", "lks", "land", "lndg", "lndg", "lndg", "ln", "ln", "lgt",
"lgt", "lgts", "lf", "lf", "lck", "lck", "lcks", "lcks", "ldg",
"ldg", "ldg", "ldg", "loop", "loop", "mall", "mnr", "mnr", "mnrs",
"mnrs", "mdw", "mdws", "mdws", "mdws", "mdws", "mews", "ml",
"mls", "msn", "msn", "mtwy", "mt", "mt", "mt", "mtn", "mtn",
"mtn", "mtn", "mtn", "mtn", "mtns", "mtns", "nck", "nck", "orch",
"orch", "orch", "oval", "oval", "opas", "park", "park", "park",
"pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pass",
"psge", "path", "path", "pike", "pike", "pne", "pnes", "pnes",
"pl", "pln", "pln", "plns", "plns", "plz", "plz", "plz", "pt",
"pt", "pts", "pts", "prt", "prt", "prts", "prts", "pr", "pr",
"pr", "radl", "radl", "radl", "radl", "ramp", "rnch", "rnch",
"rnch", "rnch", "rpd", "rpd", "rpds", "rpds", "rst", "rst", "rdg",
"rdg", "rdg", "rdgs", "rdgs", "riv", "riv", "riv", "riv", "rd",
"rd", "rds", "rds", "rte", "row", "rue", "run", "shl", "shl",
"shls", "shls", "shr", "shr", "shr", "shrs", "shrs", "shrs",
"skwy", "spg", "spg", "spg", "spg", "spgs", "spgs", "spgs", "spgs",
"spur", "spur", "sq", "sq", "sq", "sq", "sq", "sqs", "sqs", "sta",
"sta", "sta", "sta", "stra", "stra", "stra", "stra", "stra",
"stra", "stra", "strm", "strm", "strm", "st", "st", "st", "st",
"sts", "smt", "ste", "smt", "smt", "smt", "ter", "ter", "ter",
"trwy", "trce", "trce", "trce", "trak", "trak", "trak", "trak",
"trak", "trfy", "trl", "trl", "trl", "trl", "trlr", "trlr", "trlr",
"tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tpke", "tpke",
"tpke", "upas", "un", "un", "uns", "vly", "vly", "vly", "vly",
"vlys", "vlys", "via", "via", "via", "via", "vw", "vw", "vws",
"vws", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlgs", "vlgs",
"vl", "vl", "vis", "vis", "vis", "vis", "vis", "walk", "walk",
"wall", "way", "way", "ways", "wl", "wls", "wls"))
randomAddresses = function(n){
addresses = paste(
sample(10:10000, n, replace = TRUE),
sample(c("harper", "davis", "van cortland", "marry", "von brown"), n, replace = TRUE),
sample(USPS$common_abbrev, n, replace = TRUE)
df = randomAddresses(10)
USPS_conv2 = function(x, y) {
t = str_split(x, " ")
comm = t[[1]][length(t[[1]])]
str_replace(x, comm, y[comm])
USPS_conv2 = Vectorize(USPS_conv2, "x")
f_MK_conv2 <- function(x, y) {
x %>% mutate(
addresses = USPS_conv2(addresses,
array(data = y$usps_abbrev, dimnames = list(y$common_abbrev))))
f_MK_conv2(df, USPS)
ht.create <- function() new.env()
ht.insert <- function(ht, key, value) ht[[key]] <- value
ht.insert <- Vectorize(ht.insert, c("key", "value"))
ht.lookup <- function(ht, key) ht[[key]]
ht.lookup <- Vectorize(ht.lookup, "key")
ht.delete <- function(ht, key) rm(list = key, envir = ht, inherits = FALSE)
ht.delete <- Vectorize(ht.delete, "key")
f_MK_replaceString <- function(x, y) {
ht <- ht.create()
ht.insert(ht, y$common_abbrev, y$usps_abbrev)
txt <- x$addresses
i <- sapply(strsplit(txt, ""), function(x) max(which(x == " ")))
txt <- paste0(
str_sub(txt, end = i),
ht.lookup(ht, str_sub(txt, start = i + 1))
x %>% mutate(addresses = txt)
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS)
f_TIC1 <- function(x, y) {
x %>% mutate(addresses = sapply(
strsplit(x$addresses, " "),
function(x) {
with(y, {
idx <- match(x, common_abbrev)
paste0(ifelse(is.na(idx), x, usps_abbrev[idx]),
collapse = " "
f_TIC1(df, USPS)
f_TIC2 <- function(x, y) {
res <- c()
for (s in x$addresses) {
v <- unlist(strsplit(s, "\\W+"))
for (p in v) {
k <- match(p, y$common_abbrev)
if (!is.na(k)) {
s <- with(
sprintf("\\b%s\\b", common_abbrev[k]),
res <- append(res, s)
x %>% mutate(addresses = res)
f_TIC2(df, USPS)
f_TIC3 <- function(x, y) {
x.split <- strsplit(x$addresses, " ")
lut <- with(y, setNames(usps_abbrev, common_abbrev))
grp <- rep(seq_along(x.split), lengths(x.split))
xx <- unlist(x.split)
r <- lut[xx]
x %>% mutate(addresses = tapply(
replace(xx, !is.na(r), na.omit(r)),
function(s) paste0(s, collapse = " ")
f_TIC3(df, USPS)
f_TIC4 <- function(x, y) {
xb <- gsub("^.*\\s+", "", x$addresses)
rp <- with(USPS, usps_abbrev[match(xb, common_abbrev)])
x %>% mutate(addresses = paste0(gsub("\\w+$", "", x$addresses), replace(xb, !is.na(rp), na.omit(rp))))
f_TIC4(df, USPS)
f_JM <- function(x, y) {
x$abbreviation <- gsub("^.* ", "", x$addresses)
x[y, abbreviation := usps_abbrev, on = .(abbreviation = common_abbrev)]
x$addresses <- paste(str_extract(x$addresses, "^.* "), x$abbreviation, sep = "")
x$abbreviation <- NULL
f_JM(df, USPS)
df = randomAddresses(100)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_conv2(df, USPS),
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC1(df, USPS),
f_TIC2(df, USPS),
f_TIC3(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
df = randomAddresses(1000)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_conv2(df, USPS),
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC1(df, USPS),
f_TIC2(df, USPS),
f_TIC3(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
df = randomAddresses(10000)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_conv2(df, USPS),
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC1(df, USPS),
f_TIC2(df, USPS),
f_TIC3(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
df = randomAddresses(100000)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC3(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
df = randomAddresses(1000000)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
And now the result in the form of charts
@jared_mamrot - you are absolutely right. data.table
is amazing!!
@ThomasIsCoding - bravo for f_TIC4
. Its simplicity is beautiful!!
@AnyoneWhoComesBy - congratulations if you've read this to the end. I believe that you, too, could learn a lot here!!
Here is the benchmarking for the existing to OP's question (borrow test data from @Marek Fiołka but with n <- 10000
> mb1
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median
f_MK_conv2(df$addresses) 1409.0643 1470.3992 1612.09037 1631.3014
f_MK_replaceString(df, addresses) 50.1582 54.3035 94.53149 62.5772
f_TIC1(df$addresses) 394.5972 420.3283 461.50675 447.6186
f_TIC2(df$addresses) 1579.1868 1852.6873 2052.28388 1964.8845
f_TIC3(df$addresses) 65.8436 71.5448 93.36210 84.9698
uq max neval
1710.3459 1898.6773 20
116.3108 264.2616 20
499.4052 626.9240 20
2246.5562 2916.2253 20
102.7689 183.5121 20
where the benchmark code is given as follows
f_MK_conv2 <- function(x) {
USPSv <- array(
data = USPS$usps_abbrev,
dimnames = list(USPS$common_abbrev)
USPS_conv2 <- function(x) {
t <- str_split(x, " ")
comm <- t[[1]][length(t[[1]])]
str_replace(x, comm, USPSv[comm])
f_MK_replaceString <- function(.data, value) {
ht.create <- function() new.env()
ht.insert <- function(ht, key, value) ht[[key]] <- value
ht.insert <- Vectorize(ht.insert, c("key", "value"))
ht.lookup <- function(ht, key) ht[[key]]
ht.lookup <- Vectorize(ht.lookup, "key")
ht.delete <- function(ht, key) rm(list = key, envir = ht, inherits = FALSE)
ht.delete <- Vectorize(ht.delete, "key")
addHashTable2 <- function(.x, .y, key, value) {
key <- enquo(key)
value <- enquo(value)
if (!all(c(as_label(key), as_label(value)) %in% names(.y))) {
"`.y` must contain `", as_label(key),
"` and `", as_label(value), "` columns"
if ((.y %>% distinct(!!key, !!value) %>% nrow()) !=
(.y %>% distinct(!!key) %>% nrow())) {
"\nThe number of unique values of the ", as_label(key),
" variable is different\n",
" from the number of unique values of the ",
as_label(key), " and ", as_label(value), " pairs!\n",
"The dictionary will only return the last values for a given key!"
ht <- ht.create()
ht %>% ht.insert(
.y %>% distinct(!!key, !!value) %>% pull(!!key),
.y %>% distinct(!!key, !!value) %>% pull(!!value)
attr(.x, "hashTab") <- ht
.data <- .data %>% addHashTable2(USPS, common_abbrev, usps_abbrev)
value <- enquo(value)
# Test whether the value variable is in .data
if (!(as_label(value) %in% names(.data))) {
"The", as_label(value),
"variable does not exist in the .data table!"
# Dictionary attribute presence test
if (!("hashTab" %in% names(attributes(.data)))) {
"\nThere is no dictionary attribute in the .data table!\n",
"Use addHashTable or addHashTable2 to add a dictionary attribute."
txt <- .data %>% pull(!!value)
i <- sapply(strsplit(txt, ""), function(x) max(which(x == " ")))
txt <- paste0(
str_sub(txt, end = i),
attr(.data, "hashTab"),
str_sub(txt, start = i + 1)
.data %>% mutate(!!value := txt)
f_TIC1 <- function(x) {
strsplit(x, " "),
function(x) {
with(USPS, {
idx <- match(x, common_abbrev)
paste0(ifelse(is.na(idx), x, usps_abbrev[idx]),
collapse = " "
f_TIC2 <- function(x) {
res <- c()
for (s in x) {
v <- unlist(strsplit(s, "\\W+"))
for (p in v) {
k <- match(p, USPS$common_abbrev)
if (!is.na(k)) {
s <- with(
sprintf("\\b%s\\b", common_abbrev[k]),
res <- append(res, s)
f_TIC3 <- function(x) {
x.split <- strsplit(x, " ")
lut <- with(USPS, setNames(usps_abbrev, common_abbrev))
grp <- rep(seq_along(x.split), lengths(x.split))
xx <- unlist(x.split)
r <- lut[xx]
replace(xx, !is.na(r), na.omit(r)),
function(s) paste0(s, collapse = " ")
f_TIC4 <- function(x) {
xb <- gsub("^.*\\s+", "", x)
rp <- with(USPS, usps_abbrev[match(xb, common_abbrev)])
paste0(gsub("\\w+$", "", x), replace(xb, !is.na(rp), na.omit(rp)))
f_JM <- function(x) {
x$abbreviation <- gsub("^.* ", "", x$addresses)
x[USPS, abbreviation := usps_abbrev, on = .(abbreviation = common_abbrev)]
x$usps_abbreviation <- paste(str_extract(x$addresses, "^.* "), x$abbreviation, sep = "")
df <- randomAddresses(10000)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_replaceString(df, addresses),
times = 20L
Perhaps one of the following base R options could help
f_TIC1 <- function(x) {
strsplit(x, " "),
function(x) {
with(USPS, {
idx <- match(x, common_abbrev)
paste0(ifelse(is.na(idx), x, usps_abbrev[idx]),
collapse = " "
f_TIC2 <- function(x) {
res <- c()
for (s in x) {
v <- unlist(strsplit(s, "\\W+"))
for (p in v) {
k <- match(p, USPS$common_abbrev)
if (!is.na(k)) {
s <- with(
sprintf("\\b%s\\b", common_abbrev[k]),
res <- append(res, s)
f_TIC3 <- function(x) {
x.split <- strsplit(x, " ")
lut <- with(USPS, setNames(usps_abbrev, common_abbrev))
grp <- rep(seq_along(x.split), lengths(x.split))
xx <- unlist(x.split)
r <- lut[xx]
replace(xx, !is.na(r), na.omit(r)),
function(s) paste0(s, collapse = " ")
f_TIC4 <- function(x) {
xb <- gsub("^.*\\s+", "", x)
rp <- with(USPS, usps_abbrev[match(xb, common_abbrev)])
paste0(gsub("\\w+$", "", x), replace(xb, !is.na(rp), na.omit(rp)))
[1] "10900 harper ave" "12235 davis anx" "24 van cortland pkwy"
I spent some time tweaking my existing answer (below) and I believe it's the fastest method. Also, it's worth noting that if you add perl = TRUE
to the gsub in f_JM and TIC4 you get a noticeable increase in speed with this example (may not apply to 'real world' data). There is also a major caveat to my answer, as it is predicated on the abbreviated term being the last term in the address (TIC1, TIC2 and TIC3 for example don't rely on that assumption).
Huge thanks to @Marek and @TIC for the benchmarking code and for the constructive comments:
## Benchmarking with updated f_JM() and TIC4()
USPS = tibble(
common_abbrev = c("allee", "alley", "ally", "aly",
"anex", "annex", "annx", "anx", "arc", "arcade", "av", "ave",
"aven", "avenu", "avenue", "avn", "avnue", "bayoo", "bayou",
"bch", "beach", "bend", "bnd", "blf", "bluf", "bluff", "bluffs",
"bot", "btm", "bottm", "bottom", "blvd", "boul", "boulevard",
"boulv", "br", "brnch", "branch", "brdge", "brg", "bridge", "brk",
"brook", "brooks", "burg", "burgs", "byp", "bypa", "bypas", "bypass",
"byps", "camp", "cp", "cmp", "canyn", "canyon", "cnyn", "cape",
"cpe", "causeway", "causwa", "cswy", "cen", "cent", "center",
"centr", "centre", "cnter", "cntr", "ctr", "centers", "cir",
"circ", "circl", "circle", "crcl", "crcle", "circles", "clf",
"cliff", "clfs", "cliffs", "clb", "club", "common", "commons",
"cor", "corner", "corners", "cors", "course", "crse", "court",
"ct", "courts", "cts", "cove", "cv", "coves", "creek", "crk",
"crescent", "cres", "crsent", "crsnt", "crest", "crossing", "crssng",
"xing", "crossroad", "crossroads", "curve", "dale", "dl", "dam",
"dm", "div", "divide", "dv", "dvd", "dr", "driv", "drive", "drv",
"drives", "est", "estate", "estates", "ests", "exp", "expr",
"express", "expressway", "expw", "expy", "ext", "extension",
"extn", "extnsn", "exts", "fall", "falls", "fls", "ferry", "frry",
"fry", "field", "fld", "fields", "flds", "flat", "flt", "flats",
"flts", "ford", "frd", "fords", "forest", "forests", "frst",
"forg", "forge", "frg", "forges", "fork", "frk", "forks", "frks",
"fort", "frt", "ft", "freeway", "freewy", "frway", "frwy", "fwy",
"garden", "gardn", "grden", "grdn", "gardens", "gdns", "grdns",
"gateway", "gatewy", "gatway", "gtway", "gtwy", "glen", "gln",
"glens", "green", "grn", "greens", "grov", "grove", "grv", "groves",
"harb", "harbor", "harbr", "hbr", "hrbor", "harbors", "haven",
"hvn", "ht", "hts", "highway", "highwy", "hiway", "hiwy", "hway",
"hwy", "hill", "hl", "hills", "hls", "hllw", "hollow", "hollows",
"holw", "holws", "inlt", "is", "island", "islnd", "islands",
"islnds", "iss", "isle", "isles", "jct", "jction", "jctn", "junction",
"junctn", "juncton", "jctns", "jcts", "junctions", "key", "ky",
"keys", "kys", "knl", "knol", "knoll", "knls", "knolls", "lk",
"lake", "lks", "lakes", "land", "landing", "lndg", "lndng", "lane",
"ln", "lgt", "light", "lights", "lf", "loaf", "lck", "lock",
"lcks", "locks", "ldg", "ldge", "lodg", "lodge", "loop", "loops",
"mall", "mnr", "manor", "manors", "mnrs", "meadow", "mdw", "mdws",
"meadows", "medows", "mews", "mill", "mills", "missn", "mssn",
"motorway", "mnt", "mt", "mount", "mntain", "mntn", "mountain",
"mountin", "mtin", "mtn", "mntns", "mountains", "nck", "neck",
"orch", "orchard", "orchrd", "oval", "ovl", "overpass", "park",
"prk", "parks", "parkway", "parkwy", "pkway", "pkwy", "pky",
"parkways", "pkwys", "pass", "passage", "path", "paths", "pike",
"pikes", "pine", "pines", "pnes", "pl", "plain", "pln", "plains",
"plns", "plaza", "plz", "plza", "point", "pt", "points", "pts",
"port", "prt", "ports", "prts", "pr", "prairie", "prr", "rad",
"radial", "radiel", "radl", "ramp", "ranch", "ranches", "rnch",
"rnchs", "rapid", "rpd", "rapids", "rpds", "rest", "rst", "rdg",
"rdge", "ridge", "rdgs", "ridges", "riv", "river", "rvr", "rivr",
"rd", "road", "roads", "rds", "route", "row", "rue", "run", "shl",
"shoal", "shls", "shoals", "shoar", "shore", "shr", "shoars",
"shores", "shrs", "skyway", "spg", "spng", "spring", "sprng",
"spgs", "spngs", "springs", "sprngs", "spur", "spurs", "sq",
"sqr", "sqre", "squ", "square", "sqrs", "squares", "sta", "station",
"statn", "stn", "stra", "strav", "straven", "stravenue", "stravn",
"strvn", "strvnue", "stream", "streme", "strm", "street", "strt",
"st", "str", "streets", "smt", "suite", "sumit", "sumitt", "summit",
"ter", "terr", "terrace", "throughway", "trace", "traces", "trce",
"track", "tracks", "trak", "trk", "trks", "trafficway", "trail",
"trails", "trl", "trls", "trailer", "trlr", "trlrs", "tunel",
"tunl", "tunls", "tunnel", "tunnels", "tunnl", "trnpk", "turnpike",
"turnpk", "underpass", "un", "union", "unions", "valley", "vally",
"vlly", "vly", "valleys", "vlys", "vdct", "via", "viadct", "viaduct",
"view", "vw", "views", "vws", "vill", "villag", "village", "villg",
"villiage", "vlg", "villages", "vlgs", "ville", "vl", "vis",
"vist", "vista", "vst", "vsta", "walk", "walks", "wall", "wy",
"way", "ways", "well", "wells", "wls"),
usps_abbrev = c("aly",
"aly", "aly", "aly", "anx", "anx", "anx", "anx", "arc", "arc",
"ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "ave", "byu", "byu",
"bch", "bch", "bnd", "bnd", "blf", "blf", "blf", "blfs", "btm",
"btm", "btm", "btm", "blvd", "blvd", "blvd", "blvd", "br", "br",
"br", "brg", "brg", "brg", "brk", "brk", "brks", "bg", "bgs",
"byp", "byp", "byp", "byp", "byp", "cp", "cp", "cp", "cyn", "cyn",
"cyn", "cpe", "cpe", "cswy", "cswy", "cswy", "ctr", "ctr", "ctr",
"ctr", "ctr", "ctr", "ctr", "ctr", "ctrs", "cir", "cir", "cir",
"cir", "cir", "cir", "cirs", "clf", "clf", "clfs", "clfs", "clb",
"clb", "cmn", "cmns", "cor", "cor", "cors", "cors", "crse", "crse",
"ct", "ct", "cts", "cts", "cv", "cv", "cvs", "crk", "crk", "cres",
"cres", "cres", "cres", "crst", "xing", "xing", "xing", "xrd",
"xrds", "curv", "dl", "dl", "dm", "dm", "dv", "dv", "dv", "dv",
"dr", "dr", "dr", "dr", "drs", "est", "est", "ests", "ests",
"expy", "expy", "expy", "expy", "expy", "expy", "ext", "ext",
"ext", "ext", "exts", "fall", "fls", "fls", "fry", "fry", "fry",
"fld", "fld", "flds", "flds", "flt", "flt", "flts", "flts", "frd",
"frd", "frds", "frst", "frst", "frst", "frg", "frg", "frg", "frgs",
"frk", "frk", "frks", "frks", "ft", "ft", "ft", "fwy", "fwy",
"fwy", "fwy", "fwy", "gdn", "gdn", "gdn", "gdn", "gdns", "gdns",
"gdns", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gtwy", "gln", "gln",
"glns", "grn", "grn", "grns", "grv", "grv", "grv", "grvs", "hbr",
"hbr", "hbr", "hbr", "hbr", "hbrs", "hvn", "hvn", "hts", "hts",
"hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hwy", "hl", "hl", "hls",
"hls", "holw", "holw", "holw", "holw", "holw", "inlt", "is",
"is", "is", "iss", "iss", "iss", "isle", "isle", "jct", "jct",
"jct", "jct", "jct", "jct", "jcts", "jcts", "jcts", "ky", "ky",
"kys", "kys", "knl", "knl", "knl", "knls", "knls", "lk", "lk",
"lks", "lks", "land", "lndg", "lndg", "lndg", "ln", "ln", "lgt",
"lgt", "lgts", "lf", "lf", "lck", "lck", "lcks", "lcks", "ldg",
"ldg", "ldg", "ldg", "loop", "loop", "mall", "mnr", "mnr", "mnrs",
"mnrs", "mdw", "mdws", "mdws", "mdws", "mdws", "mews", "ml",
"mls", "msn", "msn", "mtwy", "mt", "mt", "mt", "mtn", "mtn",
"mtn", "mtn", "mtn", "mtn", "mtns", "mtns", "nck", "nck", "orch",
"orch", "orch", "oval", "oval", "opas", "park", "park", "park",
"pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pkwy", "pass",
"psge", "path", "path", "pike", "pike", "pne", "pnes", "pnes",
"pl", "pln", "pln", "plns", "plns", "plz", "plz", "plz", "pt",
"pt", "pts", "pts", "prt", "prt", "prts", "prts", "pr", "pr",
"pr", "radl", "radl", "radl", "radl", "ramp", "rnch", "rnch",
"rnch", "rnch", "rpd", "rpd", "rpds", "rpds", "rst", "rst", "rdg",
"rdg", "rdg", "rdgs", "rdgs", "riv", "riv", "riv", "riv", "rd",
"rd", "rds", "rds", "rte", "row", "rue", "run", "shl", "shl",
"shls", "shls", "shr", "shr", "shr", "shrs", "shrs", "shrs",
"skwy", "spg", "spg", "spg", "spg", "spgs", "spgs", "spgs", "spgs",
"spur", "spur", "sq", "sq", "sq", "sq", "sq", "sqs", "sqs", "sta",
"sta", "sta", "sta", "stra", "stra", "stra", "stra", "stra",
"stra", "stra", "strm", "strm", "strm", "st", "st", "st", "st",
"sts", "smt", "ste", "smt", "smt", "smt", "ter", "ter", "ter",
"trwy", "trce", "trce", "trce", "trak", "trak", "trak", "trak",
"trak", "trfy", "trl", "trl", "trl", "trl", "trlr", "trlr", "trlr",
"tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tunl", "tpke", "tpke",
"tpke", "upas", "un", "un", "uns", "vly", "vly", "vly", "vly",
"vlys", "vlys", "via", "via", "via", "via", "vw", "vw", "vws",
"vws", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlg", "vlgs", "vlgs",
"vl", "vl", "vis", "vis", "vis", "vis", "vis", "walk", "walk",
"wall", "way", "way", "ways", "wl", "wls", "wls"))
randomAddresses = function(n){
addresses = paste(
sample(10:10000, n, replace = TRUE),
sample(c("harper", "davis", "van cortland", "marry", "von brown"), n, replace = TRUE),
sample(USPS$common_abbrev, n, replace = TRUE)
df = randomAddresses(10)
USPS_conv2 = function(x, y) {
t = str_split(x, " ")
comm = t[[1]][length(t[[1]])]
str_replace(x, comm, y[comm])
USPS_conv2 = Vectorize(USPS_conv2, "x")
f_MK_conv2 <- function(x, y) {
x %>% mutate(
addresses = USPS_conv2(addresses,
array(data = y$usps_abbrev, dimnames = list(y$common_abbrev))))
f_MK_conv2(df, USPS)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> addresses
#> <chr>
#> 1 8995 davis crk
#> 2 8527 davis tunl
#> 3 7663 von brown wall
#> 4 3043 harper lk
#> 5 9192 von brown gdn
#> 6 120 marry riv
#> 7 72 von brown lcks
#> 8 8752 marry gdn
#> 9 7754 davis cor
#> 10 3745 davis jcts
ht.create <- function() new.env()
ht.insert <- function(ht, key, value) ht[[key]] <- value
ht.insert <- Vectorize(ht.insert, c("key", "value"))
ht.lookup <- function(ht, key) ht[[key]]
ht.lookup <- Vectorize(ht.lookup, "key")
ht.delete <- function(ht, key) rm(list = key, envir = ht, inherits = FALSE)
ht.delete <- Vectorize(ht.delete, "key")
f_MK_replaceString <- function(x, y) {
ht <- ht.create()
ht.insert(ht, y$common_abbrev, y$usps_abbrev)
txt <- x$addresses
i <- sapply(strsplit(txt, ""), function(x) max(which(x == " ")))
txt <- paste0(
str_sub(txt, end = i),
ht.lookup(ht, str_sub(txt, start = i + 1))
x %>% mutate(addresses = txt)
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> addresses
#> <chr>
#> 1 8995 davis crk
#> 2 8527 davis tunl
#> 3 7663 von brown wall
#> 4 3043 harper lk
#> 5 9192 von brown gdn
#> 6 120 marry riv
#> 7 72 von brown lcks
#> 8 8752 marry gdn
#> 9 7754 davis cor
#> 10 3745 davis jcts
f_TIC1 <- function(x, y) {
x %>% mutate(addresses = sapply(
strsplit(x$addresses, " "),
function(x) {
with(y, {
idx <- match(x, common_abbrev)
paste0(ifelse(is.na(idx), x, usps_abbrev[idx]),
collapse = " "
f_TIC1(df, USPS)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> addresses
#> <chr>
#> 1 8995 davis crk
#> 2 8527 davis tunl
#> 3 7663 von brown wall
#> 4 3043 harper lk
#> 5 9192 von brown gdn
#> 6 120 marry riv
#> 7 72 von brown lcks
#> 8 8752 marry gdn
#> 9 7754 davis cor
#> 10 3745 davis jcts
f_TIC2 <- function(x, y) {
res <- c()
for (s in x$addresses) {
v <- unlist(strsplit(s, "\\W+"))
for (p in v) {
k <- match(p, y$common_abbrev)
if (!is.na(k)) {
s <- with(
sprintf("\\b%s\\b", common_abbrev[k]),
res <- append(res, s)
x %>% mutate(addresses = res)
f_TIC2(df, USPS)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> addresses
#> <chr>
#> 1 8995 davis crk
#> 2 8527 davis tunl
#> 3 7663 von brown wall
#> 4 3043 harper lk
#> 5 9192 von brown gdn
#> 6 120 marry riv
#> 7 72 von brown lcks
#> 8 8752 marry gdn
#> 9 7754 davis cor
#> 10 3745 davis jcts
f_TIC3 <- function(x, y) {
x.split <- strsplit(x$addresses, " ")
lut <- with(y, setNames(usps_abbrev, common_abbrev))
grp <- rep(seq_along(x.split), lengths(x.split))
xx <- unlist(x.split)
r <- lut[xx]
x %>% mutate(addresses = tapply(
replace(xx, !is.na(r), na.omit(r)),
function(s) paste0(s, collapse = " ")
f_TIC3(df, USPS)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> addresses
#> <chr>
#> 1 8995 davis crk
#> 2 8527 davis tunl
#> 3 7663 von brown wall
#> 4 3043 harper lk
#> 5 9192 von brown gdn
#> 6 120 marry riv
#> 7 72 von brown lcks
#> 8 8752 marry gdn
#> 9 7754 davis cor
#> 10 3745 davis jcts
f_TIC4 <- function(x, y) {
xb <- gsub("^.*\\s+", "", x$addresses, perl = TRUE)
rp <- with(USPS, usps_abbrev[match(xb, common_abbrev)])
x %>% mutate(addresses = paste0(gsub("\\w+$", "", x$addresses), replace(xb, !is.na(rp), na.omit(rp))))
f_TIC4(df, USPS)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> addresses
#> <chr>
#> 1 8995 davis crk
#> 2 8527 davis tunl
#> 3 7663 von brown wall
#> 4 3043 harper lk
#> 5 9192 von brown gdn
#> 6 120 marry riv
#> 7 72 von brown lcks
#> 8 8752 marry gdn
#> 9 7754 davis cor
#> 10 3745 davis jcts
f_JM <- function(x, y) {
x$abbreviation <- gsub("^.* ", "", x$addresses, perl = TRUE)
x[y, abbreviation := usps_abbrev, on = .(abbreviation = common_abbrev)]
x$addresses <- paste(str_extract(x$addresses, "^.* "), x$abbreviation, sep = "")
x$abbreviation <- NULL
f_JM(df, USPS)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 1
#> addresses
#> <chr>
#> 1 8995 davis crk
#> 2 8527 davis tunl
#> 3 7663 von brown wall
#> 4 3043 harper lk
#> 5 9192 von brown gdn
#> 6 120 marry riv
#> 7 72 von brown lcks
#> 8 8752 marry gdn
#> 9 7754 davis cor
#> 10 3745 davis jcts
df = randomAddresses(100)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_conv2(df, USPS),
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC1(df, USPS),
f_TIC2(df, USPS),
f_TIC3(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.
df = randomAddresses(1000)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_conv2(df, USPS),
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC1(df, USPS),
f_TIC2(df, USPS),
f_TIC3(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.
df = randomAddresses(10000)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_conv2(df, USPS),
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC1(df, USPS),
f_TIC2(df, USPS),
f_TIC3(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.
df = randomAddresses(100000)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC3(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.
df = randomAddresses(1000000)
mb1 <- microbenchmark(
f_MK_replaceString(df, USPS),
f_TIC4(df, USPS),
f_JM(df, USPS),
times = 20L
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.
Created on 2021-11-04 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Brilliant answers @Marek and @TIC! After some tweaking and benchmarking I think this data.table 'split/lookup-replace/paste' approach might be faster:
df = tibble(
addresses = paste(
sample(10:10000, n, replace = TRUE),
sample(c("harper", "davis", "van cortland", "marry", "von brown"), n, replace = TRUE),
sample(USPS$common_abbrev, n, replace = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 1,000,000 × 1
#> addresses
#> <chr>
#> 1 8995 marry pass
#> 2 8527 davis spng
#> 3 7663 marry loaf
#> 4 3043 davis common
#> 5 9192 marry bnd
#> 6 120 von brown corner
#> 7 72 van cortland plains
#> 8 8752 van cortland crcle
#> 9 7754 von brown sqrs
#> 10 3745 marry key
#> # … with 999,990 more rows
start_time =Sys.time()
df$abbreviation <- gsub("^.* ", "", df$addresses)
df[USPS, abbreviation:=usps_abbrev, on=.(abbreviation=common_abbrev)]
df$usps_abbreviation <- paste(str_extract(df$addresses, "^.* "), df$abbreviation, sep = "")
#> Time difference of 2.804245 secs
#> addresses abbreviation usps_abbreviation
#> 1: 8995 marry pass pass 8995 marry pass
#> 2: 8527 davis spng spg 8527 davis spg
#> 3: 7663 marry loaf lf 7663 marry lf
#> 4: 3043 davis common cmn 3043 davis cmn
#> 5: 9192 marry bnd bnd 9192 marry bnd
#> ---
#> 999996: 1379 marry vdct via 1379 marry via
#> 999997: 237 harper avnue ave 237 harper ave
#> 999998: 7592 davis riv riv 7592 davis riv
#> 999999: 4963 marry junction jct 4963 marry jct
#> 1000000: 813 harper bluf blf 813 harper blf
Created on 2021-11-03 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
I changed dt_func()
to produce the same output as Marek's function (fairer comparison) and it's still super quick:
df <- randomAddresses(10000)
dt_func <- function(x) {
x$abbreviation <- gsub("^.* ", "", x$addresses)
x[USPS, abbreviation:=usps_abbrev, on=.(abbreviation=common_abbrev)]
x$addresses <- paste(str_extract(x$addresses, "^.* "), x$abbreviation, sep = "")
x$abbreviation <- NULL
Compare output:
df2 <- f_MK_replaceString(df, addresses)
df3 <- dt_func(df)
dplyr::all_equal(df2, df3)
#> [1] TRUE
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