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R, get key from key value (hash)




quick question. My List (in R) looks like:

> mylist
[1] 32

With mylist[1] I get:

[1] 32

But how do I get:


Thanks and cheers.

like image 339
mariodeng Avatar asked Apr 17 '12 20:04


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1 Answers

The names of elements are stored in an attribute called "names", which can be accessed via the names function.

Try this:

mylist <- list(width=42, height=13)
names(mylist)    # "width"  "height"
names(mylist)[1] # "width"

mylist[["width"]] # 42

mylist[sort(names(mylist))] # sort mylist by the names...
like image 105
Tommy Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
