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How can I rank observations in-group faster?




I have a really simple problem, but I'm probably not thinking vector-y enough to solve it efficiently. I tried two different approaches and they've been looping on two different computers for a long time now. I wish I could say the competition made it more exciting, but ... bleh.

rank observations in group

I have long data (many rows per person, one row per person-observation) and I basically want a variable, that tells me how often the person has been observed already.

I have the first two columns and want the third one:

person  wave   obs
pers1   1999   1
pers1   2000   2
pers1   2003   3
pers2   1998   1
pers2   2001   2

Now I'm using two loop-approaches. Both are excruciatingly slow (150k rows). I'm sure I'm missing something, but my search queries didn't really help me yet (hard to phrase the problem).

Thanks for any pointers!

# ordered dataset by persnr and year of observation
person.obs <- person.obs[order(person.obs$PERSNR,person.obs$wave) , ]

person.obs$n.obs = 0

# first approach: loop through people and assign range
unp = unique(person.obs$PERSNR)
unplength = length(unp)
for(i in 1:unplength) {
   person.obs[which(person.obs$PERSNR==unp[i]),]$n.obs = 

# second approach: loop through rows and reset counter at new person
pnr = 0
for(i in 1:length(person.obs[,2])) {
  if(pnr!=person.obs[i,]$PERSNR) { pnr = person.obs[i,]$PERSNR
  e = 0
  person.obs[i,]$n.obs = e
like image 723
Ruben Avatar asked May 28 '11 15:05


People also ask

How do you rank data?

By default, ranks are assigned by ordering the data values in ascending order (smallest to largest), then labeling the smallest value as rank 1. Alternatively, Largest value orders the data in descending order (largest to smallest), and assigns the largest value the rank of 1.

How do you rank observations in R?

The ranking of a variable in an R data frame can be done by using rank function. For example, if we have a data frame df that contains column x then rank of values in x can be found as rank(df$x).

How do you rank data in SQL?

To partition rows and rank them by their position within the partition, use the RANK() function with the PARTITION BY clause. SQL's RANK() function allows us to add a record's position within the result set or within each partition. In our example, we rank rows within a partition.

2 Answers

The answer from Marek in this question has proven very useful in the past. I wrote it down and use it almost daily since it was fast and efficient. We'll use ave() and seq_along().

foo <-data.frame(person=c(rep("pers1",3),rep("pers2",2)),year=c(1999,2000,2003,1998,2011))

foo <- transform(foo, obs = ave(rep(NA, nrow(foo)), person, FUN = seq_along))

  person year obs
1  pers1 1999   1
2  pers1 2000   2
3  pers1 2003   3
4  pers2 1998   1
5  pers2 2011   2

Another option using plyr

ddply(foo, "person", transform, obs2 = seq_along(person))

  person year obs obs2
1  pers1 1999   1    1
2  pers1 2000   2    2
3  pers1 2003   3    3
4  pers2 1998   1    1
5  pers2 2011   2    2
like image 131
Chase Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10


A few alternatives with the data.table and dplyr packages.


# setDT(foo) is needed to convert to a data.table

# option 1:
setDT(foo)[, rn := rowid(person)]   

# option 2:
setDT(foo)[, rn := 1:.N, by = person]

both give:

> foo
   person year rn
1:  pers1 1999  1
2:  pers1 2000  2
3:  pers1 2003  3
4:  pers2 1998  1
5:  pers2 2011  2

If you want a true rank, you should use the frank function:

setDT(foo)[, rn := frank(year, ties.method = 'dense'), by = person]


# method 1
foo <- foo %>% group_by(person) %>% mutate(rn = row_number())
# method 2
foo <- foo %>% group_by(person) %>% mutate(rn = 1:n())

both giving a similar result:

> foo
Source: local data frame [5 x 3]
Groups: person [2]

  person  year    rn
  (fctr) (dbl) (int)
1  pers1  1999     1
2  pers1  2000     2
3  pers1  2003     3
4  pers2  1998     1
5  pers2  2011     2
like image 39
Jaap Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10
