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R draw kmeans clustering with heatmap

I would like to cluster a matrix with kmeans, and be able to plot it as heatmap. It sounds quite trivial, and I have seen many plots like this. I have tried to google atround, but can't find a way round it.

I'd like to be able to plot something like panel A or B on this figure. Let say I have a matrix with 250 rows and 5 columns. I don't want to cluster the columns, just the rows.

m = matrix(rnorm(25), 250, 5)

km = kmeans(m, 10)

Then how do I plot those 10 clusters as a heatmap ? You comments and helps is more than welcome.


enter image description here

like image 396
Benoit B. Avatar asked Feb 22 '11 21:02

Benoit B.

People also ask

How do I visualize KMeans clusters in R?

The function fviz_cluster() [factoextra package] can be used to easily visualize k-means clusters. It takes k-means results and the original data as arguments. In the resulting plot, observations are represented by points, using principal components if the number of variables is greater than 2.

1 Answers

Something like the following should work:

m = matrix(rnorm(10), 100, 5)
km = kmeans(m, 10)
m2 <- cbind(m,km$cluster)
o <- order(m2[, 6])
m2 <- m2[o, ]
library(pheatmap) # I like esoteric packages!
pheatmap(m2[,1:5], cluster_rows=F,cluster_cols=F, col=brewer.pal(10,"Set3"),border_color=NA)

heatmap created using the pheatmap pacakge

like image 198
Paolo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
