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R data.table - group by column includes list




I try to use the group by function of the data.table package in R.

start <- as.Date('2014-1-1')
end <- as.Date('2014-1-6')
time.span <- seq(start, end, "days")
a <- data.table(date = time.span, value=c(1,2,3,4,5,6), group=c('a','a','b','b','a','b'))

        date  value group
1   2014-01-01  1   a
2   2014-01-02  2   a
3   2014-01-03  3   b
4   2014-01-04  4   b
5   2014-01-05  5   a
6   2014-01-06  6   b

> group      V1
 1:   a    2.6667
 2:   b    4.3333

This works fine.

Since i am working with Dates it can happen that a special date not only has one but two groups.

a <- data.table(date = time.span, value=c(1,2,3,4,5,6), group=list('a',c('a','b'),'b','b','a','b'))

        date   value  group
1   2014-01-01  1   a
2   2014-01-02  2   c("a", "b")
3   2014-01-03  3   b
4   2014-01-04  4   b
5   2014-01-05  5   a
6   2014-01-06  6   b

> Error in `[.data.table`(a, , mean(value), by = group) : 
  The items in the 'by' or 'keyby' list are length (1,2,1,1,1,1). Each must be same length as rows in x or number of rows returned by i (6).

I would like that the group date with both groups will be used for calculating the mean of group a as well as of group b.

Expected results:

mean a: 2.6667
mean b: 3.75

Is that possible with the data.table package?


Thx to akrun my initial issue is solved. After "splitting" the data.table and in my case calculate different factors (based on the groups) i need the data.table back in its "original" form with unique rows based on the date. My solution so far:

a <- data.table(date = time.span, value=c(1,2,3,4,5,6), group=list('a',c('a','b'),'b','b','a','b'))
b <- a[rep(1:nrow(a), lengths(group))][, group:=unlist(a$group)]

       date   value  group
1   2014-01-01  1   a
2   2014-01-02  2   a
3   2014-01-02  2   b
4   2014-01-03  3   b
5   2014-01-04  4   b
6   2014-01-05  5   a
7   2014-01-06  6   b

# creates new column with mean based on group
b[,factor := mean(value), by=group] 

#creates new data.table c without duplicate rows (based on date) + if a row has group a & b it creates the product of their factors
c <- b[,.(value = unique(value), group = list(group), factor = prod(factor)),by=date]

date     value  group       factor
01/01/14    1   a           2.666666667
02/01/14    2   c("a", "b") 10
03/01/14    3   b           3.75
04/01/14    4   b           3.75
05/01/14    5   a           2.666666667
06/01/14    6   b           3.75

I guess it is not the perfect way to do it, but it works. Any suggestions how i could do it better?

Alternative solution (really slow!!!):

d <- a[rep(1:nrow(a), lengths(group))][,group:=unlist(a$group)][, mean(value), by = group]
for(i in 1:NROW(a)){
   y1 <- 1
   for(j in a[i,group][[1]]){
       y1 <- y1 * d[group==j, V1]
   a[i, factor := y1]

My fastest solution so far:

# split rows that more than one group
b <- a[rep(1:nrow(a), lengths(group))][, group:=unlist(a$group)]
# calculate mean of different groups
b <- b[,factor := mean(value), by=group]
# only keep date + factor columns
b <- b[,.(date, factor)]
# summarise rows by date 
b <- b[,lapply(.SD,prod), by=date]
# add summarised factor column to initial data.table
c <- merge(a,b,by='date')

Any chance to make it faster?

like image 527
RandomDude Avatar asked Sep 26 '22 23:09


1 Answers

One option would be to group by the row sequence, we unlist the list column ('group'), paste the list elements together (toString(..)), use cSplit from splitstackshape with direction='long' to reshape it into 'long' format, and then get the mean of the 'value' column using 'grp' as the grouping variable.

a[, grp:= toString(unlist(group)), 1:nrow(a)]
cSplit(a, 'grp', ', ', 'long')[, mean(value), grp]
#  grp       V1
#1:   a 2.666667
#2:   b 3.750000

Just realized that another option using splitstackshape would be listCol_l which unlists a list column into long form. As the output is a data.table, we can use the data.table methods to calculate the mean. It is much more compact to get the mean.

 listCol_l(a, 'group')[, mean(value), group_ul]
 #  group_ul       V1
 #1:        a 2.666667
 #2:        b 3.750000

Or another option without using splitstackshape would be to replicate the rows of the dataset by the length of the list element. The lengths is a convenient wrapper for sapply(group, length) and is much faster. Then, we change the 'group' column by unlisting the original 'group' from 'a' dataset and get the mean of 'value', grouped by 'group'.

 a[rep(1:nrow(a), lengths(group))][,
        group:=unlist(a$group)][, mean(value), by = group]
 #  group       V1
 #1:     a 2.666667
 #2:     b 3.750000
like image 118
akrun Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
