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R :: data.table: Generate a running balance by group using previous balance and row-wise iteration

I have following DT (data.table) in R.

dt <- fread("
id| rowids | charge | payment | balance
a |   1    |  7.1   |   0     |     
a |   2    |  1.2   |   3     |   
a |   3    |  1.7   |   1     |   
b |   1    |  8.1   |   0     |   
b |   2    |  2.5   |   4     |   
b |   3    |  2.3   |   2     |   
b |   4    |  3.2   |   1     |   
            sep = "|",
            colClasses = c("character", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", 

The "balance" is should be computed, within each id group, as "balance <- previous.row.balance + charge - payment", where the "previous.row.balance" is the previous row entry of "balance".

I initially underestimate the difficulty to compute the running balance. I was thinking about dt[,previous.row.balance := (shift(balance,1),by=id]. But R does vectorized computation. I did not have values in "balance" available for me to perform shift() since "balance" will be computed through row-by-row iteration.

I searched on StackOverflow and found a similar question and its first answer greatly helped me to think through the whole process. I adapted the code in the first answer to my problem and got the following code working wonderfully to generate the running balance by group.

dt[rowids == 1, balance := charge, by=.(id)]
dt[rowids != 1, balance :=
            balance1 <- balance[1L]
            .SD[rowids != 1,
                {balance1 <-  balance1 + charge - payment
        by=.(id)][, -1L:-2L]

Here are my questions.

  1. I still cannot understand how by=.(id)][, -1L:-2L], the chained brackets worked the iteration out. Since the code does not employ shift() by = group, I guess [, -1L:-2L] does the trick here to perform the iteration. But how? What does [, -1L:-2L] actually do here?

Sorry that I have to ask this question here, instead of commenting or asking under that question . The reason is that I am brand new to StackOverflow with only 1 point of reputation. I am not allowed to comment on the original answer to that question. I also would like to vote up for that answer. Before I can do that, I have to earn more points.

  1. Is there any other way, using data.table and R vectorizing computation to achieve this running balance goal, without wrapping any loop for row iteration?

Any insight or thought is appreciated!

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Jane Lu Avatar asked Sep 30 '19 17:09

Jane Lu

Video Answer

2 Answers

Regarding your question #2:

You can use the cumsum function (output matches that of the code in the question). This will take the value of charge - payment for the first row, then for the second the second charge - payment will be added to that, et cetera.

dt[, balance2 := cumsum(charge - payment), id]

#    id rowids charge payment balance balance2
# 1:  a      1    7.1       0     7.1      7.1
# 2:  a      2    1.2       3     5.3      5.3
# 3:  a      3    1.7       1     6.0      6.0
# 4:  b      1    8.1       0     8.1      8.1
# 5:  b      2    2.5       4     6.6      6.6
# 6:  b      3    2.3       2     6.9      6.9
# 7:  b      4    3.2       1     9.1      9.1
like image 67
IceCreamToucan Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 10:12


Since @IceCreamToucan has answered part 2 (how to improve the code), I'll just cover part 1 (why x[, -1:-2] works). From ?data.table, we know that in general the j field can be used to select columns:

When j is a vector of column names or positions to select (as in data.frame) [, then it behaves as with a data.frame].

(The words in brackets are my edit to complete the sentence.)

In particular, when j takes the form n:m, ...

  • If all of n..m are negative or zero, then the specified columns are dropped
  • If all of the n..m are positive or zero, then the specified columns are selected

You would also see this behavior with j set to -c(1,2) or !c(1,2) or !(1:2) or -(1:2).

This behavior is based on special parsing of j to check for : or ! or - being the top-level function.

Next, it is important to know that the columns in by= are put as the first columns in the table.

Combining these two points in the OP's example, you have by=id as the first column (the outer by) and by=rowids as the second column (the inner by). After these are dropped with [, -1L:-2L] you have the .(balance1) expression remaining.

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Frank 2 Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 09:12

Frank 2