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R Convert list to lowercase


Var1 is a list:

var1 <- list(c("Parts of a Day", "Time in Astronomy", "Star"),  c("Tree Tall", "Pine Tree")) 

How to convert all the characters to lowercase? The desired answer is the following list:

var1 <- list(c("parts of a day", "time in astronomy", "star"),  c("tree tall", "pine tree")) 

I used


But it gives the following answer with unwanted \

[[1]] [1] "c(\"parts of a day\", \"time in astronomy\", \"star\")"  [[2]] [1] "c(\"tree tall\", \"pine tree\")" 


like image 731
user6633625673888 Avatar asked May 24 '15 22:05


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tolower() method in R programming is used to convert the uppercase letters of string to lowercase string. Return: Returns the lowercase string.

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In R, the easiest way to convert column names to lowercase is by using the functions names() and tolower() . First, the names() function reads the column names of a data frame and returns them in a character vector. Next, the tolower() function transforms all characters of this vector to lowercase.

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To convert a lowercase string to an uppercase string in R, use the toupper() method. The toupper() method changes the case of a string to the upper. The toupper() function takes a string as an argument and returns the uppercase version of a string.

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toupper() method in R programming is used to convert the lowercase string to uppercase string. Return: Returns the uppercase string.

2 Answers

You should use lapply to lower case each character vector in your list

lapply(var1, tolower)  # [[1]] # [1] "parts of a day"    "time in astronomy" "star"              #  # [[2]] # [1] "tree tall" "pine tree" 

otherwise tolower does as.character() on your entire list which is not what you want.

like image 107
MrFlick Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09


Use gsub

gsub("/", "", var1) as.list(tolower(var1)) 

this will remove all your / out of your variable.

like image 37
Josh Stevens Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

Josh Stevens