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Quote or Non quote deference in MongoDB query

As an example,either of these will work:

db.wands.insert({"name": "Dream Bender", "creator": "Foxmond"})
db.wands.insert({name: "Dream Bender", creator: "Foxmond"})

Which one will I use any why?

like image 774
saif Avatar asked Aug 08 '17 18:08


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1 Answers

You can use quotes and never have to worry about when they are necessary.

When you run a query or command from the mongo shell interface it is being parsed by the shell's JavaScript interpreter.

Anything which isn't valid JavaScript will cause a syntax error.

For example, A collection or field name starting without an underscore or alpha character would have to be quoted.

So, either of these will work:

db.wands.insert({"name": "Dream Bender", "creator": "Foxmond"})
db.wands.insert({name: "Dream Bender", creator: "Foxmond"})

Also, this would work:

db.wands.insert({"3name": "Dream Bender", "creator": "Foxmond"})

But this won't work.

db.wands.insert({3name: "Dream Bender", creator: "Foxmond"})

So, I find it easier to be in the habit of using quotes so you don't have to remember the exceptions.

like image 85
H.P. Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
