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Quick way to find all permutations of a pandas DataFrame that preserves a sort?

I have a DataFrame, and I'd like find all the permutations of it that fulfill a simple ascending sort on one of the columns. (There are many ties.) For example, in the following DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame({'name': ["Abe", "Bob", "Chris", "David", "Evan"], 
                   'age': [28, 20, 21, 22, 21]})

I'd be looking to sort by age and obtain the orders ["Bob", "Chris", "Evan", "David", "Abe"] and ["Bob", "Evan", "Chris", "David", "Abe"].

I'm new to python (and to pandas) and curious if there is a simple way to do this that I don't see.


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Reason Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 14:11


1 Answers

Since you're grouping by age, let's do that and return all the permutations for each group and then take the product (using itertools' product and permutation functions):

In [11]: age = df.groupby("age")

If we look at the permutations of a single group:

In [12]: age.get_group(21)
   age   name
2   21  Chris
4   21   Evan

In [13]: list(permutations(age.get_group(21).index))
Out[13]: [(2, 4), (4, 2)]

In [14]: [df.loc[list(p)] for p in permutations(age.get_group(21).index)]
[   age   name
 2   21  Chris
 4   21   Evan,    age   name
 4   21   Evan
 2   21  Chris]

We can do this on the entire DataFrame by returning just the index for each group (this assumes that the index is unique, if it's not reset_index prior to doing this... you may be able to do something slightly more lower level):

In [21]: [list(permutations(grp.index)) for (name, grp) in age]
Out[21]: [[(1,)], [(2, 4), (4, 2)], [(3,)], [(0,)]]

In [22]: list(product(*[(permutations(grp.index)) for (name, grp) in age]))
Out[22]: [((1,), (2, 4), (3,), (0,)), ((1,), (4, 2), (3,), (0,))]

We can glue these up with sum:

In [23]: [sum(tups, ()) for tups in product(*[(permutations(grp.index)) for (name, grp) in age])]
Out[23]: [(1, 2, 4, 3, 0), (1, 4, 2, 3, 0)]

If you make these a list you can apply loc (which gets you the desired result):

In [24]: [df.loc[list(sum(tups, ()))] for tups in product(*[list(permutations(grp.index)) for (name, grp) in age])]
[   age   name
 1   20    Bob
 2   21  Chris
 4   21   Evan
 3   22  David
 0   28    Abe,    age   name
 1   20    Bob
 4   21   Evan
 2   21  Chris
 3   22  David
 0   28    Abe]

And the (list of) the name column:

In [25]: [list(df.loc[list(sum(tups, ())), "name"]) for tups in product(*[(permutations(grp.index)) for (name, grp) in age])]
[['Bob', 'Chris', 'Evan', 'David', 'Abe'],
 ['Bob', 'Evan', 'Chris', 'David', 'Abe']]

Note: It may be faster to use a numpy permutation matrix and pd.tools.util.cartesian_product. I suspect it's much of a muchness and wouldn't explore this unless this was unusably slow (it's potentially going to be slow anyway because there could be many many permutations)...

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Andy Hayden Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Andy Hayden