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Querying Spark SQL DataFrame with complex types

How Can I query an RDD with complex types such as maps/arrays? for example, when I was writing this test code:

case class Test(name: String, map: Map[String, String]) val map = Map("hello" -> "world", "hey" -> "there") val map2 = Map("hello" -> "people", "hey" -> "you") val rdd = sc.parallelize(Array(Test("first", map), Test("second", map2))) 

I thought the syntax would be something like:

sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM rdd WHERE map.hello = world") 


sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM rdd WHERE map[hello] = world") 

but I get

Can't access nested field in type MapType(StringType,StringType,true)


org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.package$TreeNodeException: Unresolved attributes


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dvir Avatar asked Feb 04 '15 22:02


People also ask

What are three complex data types you can work with using Spark SQL?

I read that Spark SQL has three complex data types: ArrayType, MapType, and StructType.

What are some data formats we can query with Spark SQL?

Spark SQL allows users to ingest data from these classes of data sources, both in batch and streaming queries. It natively supports reading and writing data in Parquet, ORC, JSON, CSV, and text format and a plethora of other connectors exist on Spark Packages.

How do I query a DataFrame in Spark?

Running SQL Queries ProgrammaticallyAn SQLContext enables applications to run SQL queries programmatically while running SQL functions and returns the result as a DataFrame. This method uses reflection to generate the schema of an RDD that contains specific types of objects.

Which is faster Spark SQL or Spark DataFrame?

Test results: RDD's outperformed DataFrames and SparkSQL for certain types of data processing. DataFrames and SparkSQL performed almost about the same, although with analysis involving aggregation and sorting SparkSQL had a slight advantage.

1 Answers

It depends on a type of the column. Lets start with some dummy data:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{udf, lit} import scala.util.Try  case class SubRecord(x: Int) case class ArrayElement(foo: String, bar: Int, vals: Array[Double]) case class Record(   an_array: Array[Int], a_map: Map[String, String],    a_struct: SubRecord, an_array_of_structs: Array[ArrayElement])   val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(   Record(Array(1, 2, 3), Map("foo" -> "bar"), SubRecord(1),          Array(            ArrayElement("foo", 1, Array(1.0, 2.0, 2.0)),            ArrayElement("bar", 2, Array(3.0, 4.0, 5.0)))),   Record(Array(4, 5, 6), Map("foz" -> "baz"), SubRecord(2),          Array(ArrayElement("foz", 3, Array(5.0, 6.0)),                 ArrayElement("baz", 4, Array(7.0, 8.0)))) )).toDF 
df.registerTempTable("df") df.printSchema  // root // |-- an_array: array (nullable = true) // |    |-- element: integer (containsNull = false) // |-- a_map: map (nullable = true) // |    |-- key: string // |    |-- value: string (valueContainsNull = true) // |-- a_struct: struct (nullable = true) // |    |-- x: integer (nullable = false) // |-- an_array_of_structs: array (nullable = true) // |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true) // |    |    |-- foo: string (nullable = true) // |    |    |-- bar: integer (nullable = false) // |    |    |-- vals: array (nullable = true) // |    |    |    |-- element: double (containsNull = false) 
  • array (ArrayType) columns:

    • Column.getItem method

      df.select($"an_array".getItem(1)).show  // +-----------+ // |an_array[1]| // +-----------+ // |          2| // |          5| // +-----------+ 
    • Hive brackets syntax:

      sqlContext.sql("SELECT an_array[1] FROM df").show  // +---+ // |_c0| // +---+ // |  2| // |  5| // +---+ 
    • an UDF

      val get_ith = udf((xs: Seq[Int], i: Int) => Try(xs(i)).toOption)  df.select(get_ith($"an_array", lit(1))).show  // +---------------+ // |UDF(an_array,1)| // +---------------+ // |              2| // |              5| // +---------------+ 
    • Additionally to the methods listed above Spark supports a growing list of built-in functions operating on complex types. Notable examples include higher order functions like transform (SQL 2.4+, Scala 3.0+, PySpark / SparkR 3.1+):

      df.selectExpr("transform(an_array, x -> x + 1) an_array_inc").show // +------------+ // |an_array_inc| // +------------+ // |   [2, 3, 4]| // |   [5, 6, 7]| // +------------+  import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.transform  df.select(transform($"an_array", x => x + 1) as "an_array_inc").show // +------------+ // |an_array_inc| // +------------+ // |   [2, 3, 4]| // |   [5, 6, 7]| // +------------+ 
    • filter (SQL 2.4+, Scala 3.0+, Python / SparkR 3.1+)

      df.selectExpr("filter(an_array, x -> x % 2 == 0) an_array_even").show // +-------------+ // |an_array_even| // +-------------+ // |          [2]| // |       [4, 6]| // +-------------+  import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.filter  df.select(filter($"an_array", x => x % 2 === 0) as "an_array_even").show // +-------------+ // |an_array_even| // +-------------+ // |          [2]| // |       [4, 6]| // +-------------+ 
    • aggregate (SQL 2.4+, Scala 3.0+, PySpark / SparkR 3.1+):

      df.selectExpr("aggregate(an_array, 0, (acc, x) -> acc + x, acc -> acc) an_array_sum").show // +------------+ // |an_array_sum| // +------------+ // |           6| // |          15| // +------------+  import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.aggregate  df.select(aggregate($"an_array", lit(0), (x, y) => x + y) as "an_array_sum").show // +------------+                                                                   // |an_array_sum| // +------------+ // |           6| // |          15| // +------------+ 
    • array processing functions (array_*) like array_distinct (2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.array_distinct  df.select(array_distinct($"an_array_of_structs.vals"(0))).show // +-------------------------------------------+ // |array_distinct(an_array_of_structs.vals[0])| // +-------------------------------------------+ // |                                 [1.0, 2.0]| // |                                 [5.0, 6.0]| // +-------------------------------------------+ 
    • array_max (array_min, 2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.array_max  df.select(array_max($"an_array")).show // +-------------------+ // |array_max(an_array)| // +-------------------+ // |                  3| // |                  6| // +-------------------+ 
    • flatten (2.4+)

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.flatten  df.select(flatten($"an_array_of_structs.vals")).show // +---------------------------------+ // |flatten(an_array_of_structs.vals)| // +---------------------------------+ // |             [1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3...| // |             [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]| // +---------------------------------+ 
    • arrays_zip (2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.arrays_zip  df.select(arrays_zip($"an_array_of_structs.vals"(0), $"an_array_of_structs.vals"(1))).show(false) // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // |arrays_zip(an_array_of_structs.vals[0], an_array_of_structs.vals[1])| // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // |[[1.0, 3.0], [2.0, 4.0], [2.0, 5.0]]                                | // |[[5.0, 7.0], [6.0, 8.0]]                                            | // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 
    • array_union (2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.array_union  df.select(array_union($"an_array_of_structs.vals"(0), $"an_array_of_structs.vals"(1))).show // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // |array_union(an_array_of_structs.vals[0], an_array_of_structs.vals[1])| // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // |                                                 [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4...| // |                                                 [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]| // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ 
    • slice (2.4+):

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.slice  df.select(slice($"an_array", 2, 2)).show // +---------------------+ // |slice(an_array, 2, 2)| // +---------------------+ // |               [2, 3]| // |               [5, 6]| // +---------------------+ 
  • map (MapType) columns

    • using Column.getField method:

      df.select($"a_map".getField("foo")).show  // +----------+ // |a_map[foo]| // +----------+ // |       bar| // |      null| // +----------+ 
    • using Hive brackets syntax:

      sqlContext.sql("SELECT a_map['foz'] FROM df").show  // +----+ // | _c0| // +----+ // |null| // | baz| // +----+ 
    • using a full path with dot syntax:

      df.select($"a_map.foo").show  // +----+ // | foo| // +----+ // | bar| // |null| // +----+ 
    • using an UDF

      val get_field = udf((kvs: Map[String, String], k: String) => kvs.get(k))  df.select(get_field($"a_map", lit("foo"))).show  // +--------------+ // |UDF(a_map,foo)| // +--------------+ // |           bar| // |          null| // +--------------+ 
    • Growing number of map_* functions like map_keys (2.3+)

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.map_keys  df.select(map_keys($"a_map")).show // +---------------+ // |map_keys(a_map)| // +---------------+ // |          [foo]| // |          [foz]| // +---------------+ 
    • or map_values (2.3+)

      import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.map_values  df.select(map_values($"a_map")).show // +-----------------+ // |map_values(a_map)| // +-----------------+ // |            [bar]| // |            [baz]| // +-----------------+ 

    Please check SPARK-23899 for a detailed list.

  • struct (StructType) columns using full path with dot syntax:

    • with DataFrame API

      df.select($"a_struct.x").show  // +---+ // |  x| // +---+ // |  1| // |  2| // +---+ 
    • with raw SQL

      sqlContext.sql("SELECT a_struct.x FROM df").show  // +---+ // |  x| // +---+ // |  1| // |  2| // +---+ 
  • fields inside array of structs can be accessed using dot-syntax, names and standard Column methods:

    df.select($"an_array_of_structs.foo").show  // +----------+ // |       foo| // +----------+ // |[foo, bar]| // |[foz, baz]| // +----------+  sqlContext.sql("SELECT an_array_of_structs[0].foo FROM df").show  // +---+ // |_c0| // +---+ // |foo| // |foz| // +---+  df.select($"an_array_of_structs.vals".getItem(1).getItem(1)).show  // +------------------------------+ // |an_array_of_structs.vals[1][1]| // +------------------------------+ // |                           4.0| // |                           8.0| // +------------------------------+ 
  • user defined types (UDTs) fields can be accessed using UDFs. See Spark SQL referencing attributes of UDT for details.


  • depending on a Spark version some of these methods can be available only with HiveContext. UDFs should work independent of version with both standard SQLContext and HiveContext.
  • generally speaking nested values are a second class citizens. Not all typical operations are supported on nested fields. Depending on a context it could be better to flatten the schema and / or explode collections

    df.select(explode($"an_array_of_structs")).show  // +--------------------+ // |                 col| // +--------------------+ // |[foo,1,WrappedArr...| // |[bar,2,WrappedArr...| // |[foz,3,WrappedArr...| // |[baz,4,WrappedArr...| // +--------------------+ 
  • Dot syntax can be combined with wildcard character (*) to select (possibly multiple) fields without specifying names explicitly:

    df.select($"a_struct.*").show // +---+ // |  x| // +---+ // |  1| // |  2| // +---+ 
  • JSON columns can be queried using get_json_object and from_json functions. See How to query JSON data column using Spark DataFrames? for details.

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zero323 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
