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Query full Informix database version using sql query

What is the query required to get the full database version in an Informix database?

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h-rai Avatar asked Apr 20 '17 23:04


People also ask

How do I find my Informix database version?

For the database engine, the easiest method to find the version is to use the command line: 'onstat -' (in the engine environment, while the engine is online). When you are seeking to identify the version for an Informix product other than Informix Dynamic Server, many Informix product commands have a '-V' option.

What is the latest version of Informix?

Key products. The current version of IBM Informix is 14.10.

Is Informix a SQL database?

For the edge and beyond. IBM® Informix® is an embeddable, high-performance database for integrating SQL, NoSQL, JSON, time-series and spatial data. Designed for analytics on the edge, in the cloud or on premises, the low-footprint database features self-management and automated administrative capabilities.

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1 Answers

This is the simplest query that I could find.

SELECT DBINFO('version','full')
FROM systables
WHERE tabid = 1;

The result will be something like this:

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC5GE
like image 133
h-rai Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 12:10
