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Qt widget displayed over other widgets

I have some information/notification widget that should be displayed when some even occurs. My idea was to have a widget that is hidden in top left corner and would be shown when needed. Problem is that if I just put there simple widget and show it, everything will be moved to the right, what I want is to show that widget on top anything that's in that area (it will hide what's there, but that's ok). I can't use stacked widget, because information widget is in different dimensions then other widgets there. And if I just create floating widget and move it to that area it wont move if main window is moved. Is there any way how to do that?

like image 905
Dainius Avatar asked Jan 26 '15 09:01


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1 Answers

Just create and place the widget on the fly. Avoid using UI to place the widget because then the widget position is managed by the layouts.

EDIT: Remember to create the widget after of the dialog's initialization. If you don't take care about this your widget will be inserted at the bottom.

class Dialog : public QDialog

    std::unique_ptr<Ui::Dialog> _ui;
    QWidget* _widgetOnTheTop;

    Dialog(QWidget* parent)
      : QDialog(parent), _ui(new Ui::Dialog)

      _widgetOnTheTop = new QPushButton(this);
like image 72
eferion Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
