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How to build a GUI application with Python 3.3 and Qt 5? [closed]

Having no Python or Qt experience I'd like to get started with the recent versions (I actually seek to make heavy use of some of the new features announced) but I couldn't find any tutorials (the most seem to use Python 2.x and Qt 4). Could you please share a link to a tutorial or just tell me what exactly do I need to started? I have reasonable experience with other languages and am not asking about learning Python itself in this issue.

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Ivan Avatar asked Apr 16 '13 17:04


1 Answers

Take a look at PyQt.

Here's the Qt5 documentation. When I need help with PyQt, I will look at Qt documentation and "translate" the C++ code into Python.

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Di Zou Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Di Zou