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Qt Creator variables to add into .pro file

I've now started to dabble with Qt and I was wondering if there was a way to get Qt Creator to automatically add variables to the project file. For example, I usually use C++11 code so it would be nice if Qt could put CONFIG += c++11 in the .pro file automatically when I start a new project. I looked around in the options but I can't make sense of some sections so maybe it's right in front of my face?

like image 993
Emuser3616399 Avatar asked May 15 '14 07:05


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1 Answers

You can edit the wizard files of Qt Creator. The files are in the following directory:


If you look at the directory there are some folders related to different wizards. For example if you look in to the "plaincppapp/qmake" folder, there you can see a "project.pro" file which is a template pro file. You can just edit that file like:

CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt

CONFIG += C++11  #added this line

SOURCES += main.cpp

Next time you create a project by that wizard, your custom pro would be created for the project.

like image 55
Nejat Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10
