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Python yield (migrating from Ruby): How can I write a function without arguments and only with yield to do prints?

I've been converting Ruby code to Python code and now I'm stuck with this function that contains yield:

def three_print():

I would like to call the function and tell it to print "Hello" three times because of the three yield statements. As the function does not take any arguments I get an error. Can you tell me the easiest way to get it working? Thank you.

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hellothisisIT Avatar asked Aug 26 '17 18:08


People also ask

How do you use yield instead of return in Python?

Yield is generally used to convert a regular Python function into a generator. Return is generally used for the end of the execution and “returns” the result to the caller statement. It replace the return of a function to suspend its execution without destroying local variables.

How do you use the yield function in Python?

yield in Python can be used like the return statement in a function. When done so, the function instead of returning the output, it returns a generator that can be iterated upon. You can then iterate through the generator to extract items. Iterating is done using a for loop or simply using the next() function.

Does yield print?

Example: Yield MethodWhen the function is called, the output is printed and it gives a generator object instead of the actual value.

What can we use instead of return in Python?

Yield are used in Python generators. A generator function is defined like a normal function, but whenever it needs to generate a value, it does so with the yield keyword rather than return.

1 Answers

yield in Ruby and yield in Python are two very different things.

In Ruby yield runs a block passed as a parameter to the function.


def three

three { puts 'hello '} # runs block (prints "hello") three times

In Python yield throws a value from a generator (which is a function that uses yield) and stops execution of the function. So it's something completely different, more likely you want to pass a function as a parameter to the function in Python.


def three(func):

three(lambda: print('hello')) # runs function (prints "hello") three times

Python Generators

The code below (code you've provided) is a generator which returns None three times:

def three():

g = three() #=> <generator object three at 0x7fa3e31cb0a0>
next(g) #=> None
next(g) #=> None
next(g) #=> None
next(g) #=> StopIteration

The only way that I can imagine how it could be used for printing "Hello" three times -- using it as an iterator:

for _ in three():

Ruby Analogy

You can do a similar thing in Ruby using Enumerator.new:

def three
  Enumerator.new do |e|
    e.yield # or e << nil
    e.yield # or e << nil
    e.yield # or e << nil

g = three
g.next #=> nil
g.next #=> nil
g.next #=> nil
g.next #=> StopIteration

three.each do
  puts 'Hello'
like image 75
Danil Speransky Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Danil Speransky