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Python - Why are some test cases failing?



So I'm working through problems on hackerrank, I am a beginner in python.

The information about what I'm trying to dois found here: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/compare-the-triplets?h_r=next-challenge&h_v=zen

a0,a1,a2 = input().strip().split(' ')
a0,a1,a2 = [int(a0),int(a1),int(a2)]
b0,b1,b2 = input().strip().split(' ')
b0,b1,b2 = [int(b0),int(b1),int(b2)]

a1 = 0
b1 = 0
lst1 = a0,a1,a2
lst2 = b0,b1,b2

for x, y in zip(lst1, lst2):
    if x > y:
        a1 += 1

    if x <y:
        b1 += 1


print(a1, b1)

So this works perfectly well.

However, in one of the test cases, the input is

6 8 12
7 9 15

and output should be

0 3

However my code keeps failing it. Why is this so?

like image 613
data_pi Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 21:03


1 Answers

I find 2 issues in this. 1. variable names are same. Notice a1 in list and and a1 as a separate Variable. 2. Instead of print you can use '{0} {1}'.format(a1,b1) Also I would suggest using raw_input() instead of input(), that will help your input treated as a string.

like image 154
Piyush Anand Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 06:03

Piyush Anand