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Spyder 3.0 won't let me run file

Spyder 3.0, Windows 10 64-bit

Hello everyone, I used to be able to write code and run the files in Spyder without a problem but now the button to run the code is greyed out and I can't run the file. Not even using F5 or clicking Run from the Run menu tab.

View my Spyder menu tab

Additionally, Spyder used to color my text in different ways but now it's all black. I don't know what happened, I didn't change any settings. Doing some research I found out this can be edited by accessing the Preferences tab (Code Introspection) but that option does not even show up in my menu bar.

Another view of my Spyder menu tab

How do I get Spyder 3.0 to run my files again? Thank you, world.

like image 960
Sergio Escalante Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 23:03

Sergio Escalante

1 Answers

It sounds like that you have not saved your file as a python file. You must have "file.py". Not just "file".

like image 197
Jman Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 02:03
