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python: what are efficient techniques to deal with deeply nested data in a flexible manner?

My question is not about a specific code snippet but more general, so please bear with me:

How should I organize the data I'm analyzing, and which tools should I use to manage it?

I'm using python and numpy to analyse data. Because the python documentation indicates that dictionaries are very optimized in python, and also due to the fact that the data itself is very structured, I stored it in a deeply nested dictionary.

Here is a skeleton of the dictionary: the position in the hierarchy defines the nature of the element, and each new line defines the contents of a key in the precedent level:

[AS091209M02] [AS091209M01] [AS090901M06] ... 
[100113] [100211] [100128] [100121] 
[R16] [R17] [R03] [R15] [R05] [R04] [R07] ... 
[1263399103] ... 
[ImageSize] [FilePath] [Trials] [Depth] [Frames] [Responses] ... 
[N01] [N04] ... 
[Sequential] [Randomized] 
[Ch1] [Ch2]

Edit: To explain a bit better my data set:

[individual] ex: [AS091209M02]
[imaging session (date string)] ex: [100113]
[Region imaged] ex: [R16]
[timestamp of file] ex [1263399103]  
[properties of file] ex: [Responses]
[regions of interest in image ] ex [N01]
[format of data] ex [Sequential]
[channel of acquisition: this key indexes an array of values] ex [Ch1]

The type of operations I perform is for instance to compute properties of the arrays (listed under Ch1, Ch2), pick up arrays to make a new collection, for instance analyze responses of N01 from region 16 (R16) of a given individual at different time points, etc.

This structure works well for me and is very fast, as promised. I can analyze the full data set pretty quickly (and the dictionary is far too small to fill up my computer's ram : half a gig).

My problem comes from the cumbersome manner in which I need to program the operations of the dictionary. I often have stretches of code that go like this:

for mk in dic.keys():
    for rgk in dic[mk].keys():
        for nk in dic[mk][rgk].keys():
            for ik in dic[mk][rgk][nk].keys():
                for ek in dic[mk][rgk][nk][ik].keys():
                    #do something

which is ugly, cumbersome, non reusable, and brittle (need to recode it for any variant of the dictionary).

I tried using recursive functions, but apart from the simplest applications, I ran into some very nasty bugs and bizarre behaviors that caused a big waste of time (it does not help that I don't manage to debug with pdb in ipython when I'm dealing with deeply nested recursive functions). In the end the only recursive function I use regularly is the following:

def dicExplorer(dic, depth = -1, stp = 0):
    '''prints the hierarchy of a dictionary.
    if depth not specified, will explore all the dictionary
    if depth - stp == 0: return
    try : list_keys = dic.keys()
    except AttributeError: return
    stp += 1
    for key in list_keys:
        else: print '+%s> [\'%s\']' %(stp * '---', key)
        dicExplorer(dic[key], depth, stp)

I know I'm doing this wrong, because my code is long, noodly and non-reusable. I need to either use better techniques to flexibly manipulate the dictionaries, or to put the data in some database format (sqlite?). My problem is that since I'm (badly) self-taught in regards to programming, I lack practical experience and background knowledge to appreciate the options available. I'm ready to learn new tools (SQL, object oriented programming), whatever it takes to get the job done, but I am reluctant to invest my time and efforts into something that will be a dead end for my needs.

So what are your suggestions to tackle this issue, and be able to code my tools in a more brief, flexible and re-usable manner?

Addendum: apart of doing something with a particular sub-dictionary of the data dictionary, here are some examples of operations I implemented for the dataset dic, or a sub dictionary of it:

actually I have some recursive functions that worked well:

def normalizeSeqDic(dic, norm_dic = {}, legend = ()):
    '''returns a normalized dictionary from a seq_amp_dic. Normalization is performed using the first time point as reference
    try : 
        list_keys = dic.keys()
        for key in list_keys:
            next_legend = legend + (key,) 
            normalizeSeqDic(dic[key], norm_dic, next_legend)
    except AttributeError:
        # normalization
        # unpack list
        mk, ek, nk, tpk = legend
        #assign values to amplitude dict
        if mk not in norm_dic: norm_dic[mk] = {}
        if ek not in norm_dic[mk]: norm_dic[mk][ek] = {}
        if nk not in norm_dic[mk][ek]: norm_dic[mk][ek][nk] = {}
        if tpk not in norm_dic[mk][ek][nk]: norm_dic[mk][ek][nk][tpk] = {}
        new_array = []
        for x in range(dic.shape[0]):
        new_array = asarray(new_array)
        norm_dic[mk][ek][nk][tpk] = new_array
    return norm_dic

def poolDic(dic):
    '''returns a dic in which all the values are pooled, and root (mk) keys are fused
    these pooled dics can later be combined into another dic
    pooled_dic = {}
    for mk in dic.keys():
        for ek in dic[mk].keys():
            for nk in dic[mk][ek].keys():
                for tpk in dic[mk][ek][nk].keys():
                    #assign values to amplitude dict
                    if ek not in pooled_dic: pooled_dic[ek] = {}
                    if nk not in pooled_dic[ek]: pooled_dic[ek][nk] = {}
                    if tpk not in pooled_dic[ek][nk]:
                        pooled_dic[ek][nk][tpk] = dic[mk][ek][nk][tpk]
                    else: pooled_dic[ek][nk][tpk]= vstack((pooled_dic[ek][nk][tpk], dic[mk][ek][nk][tpk]))
    return pooled_dic

def timePointsDic(dic):
    '''Determines the timepoints for each individual key at root
    tp_dic = {}
    for mk in dic.keys():
        tp_list = []
        for rgk in dic[mk].keys():
    return tp_dic

for some operations I found no other way than to flatten the dictionary:

def flattenDic(dic, label):
    '''flattens a dic to produce a list of of tuples containing keys and 'label' values
    flat_list = []
    for mk in dic.keys():
        for rgk in dic[mk].keys():
            for nk in dic[mk][rgk].keys():
                for ik in dic[mk][rgk][nk].keys():
                    for ek in dic[mk][rgk][nk][ik].keys():
                        flat_list.append((mk, rgk, nk, ik, ek, dic[mk][rgk][nk][ik][ek][label])
    return flat_list

def extractDataSequencePoints(flat_list, mk, nk, tp_list):
        '''produces a list containing arrays of time point values
        time_points is a list of the time points wished (can have 2 or 3 elements)
        nb_tp = len(tp_list)
        # build tp_seq list
        tp_seq = []
        tp1, tp2, tp3 = [], [], []
        if nk == 'Neuropil':
            tp1.extend(x for x in flat_list if x[0]==mk and x[2] == 'Neuropil' and x[3] == tp_list[0])
            tp2.extend(x for x in flat_list if x[0]==mk and x[2] == 'Neuropil'and  x[3] == tp_list[1])
            tp1.extend(x for x in flat_list if x[0]==mk and x[2] != 'Neuropil'and x[3] == tp_list[0])
            tp2.extend(x for x in flat_list if x[0]==mk and x[2] != 'Neuropil'and x[3] == tp_list[1])
        if nb_tp == 3:
            if nk == 'Neuropil':
                tp3.extend(x for x in flat_list if x[0]==mk and x[2] == 'Neuropil'and x[3] == tp_list[2])
                tp3.extend(x for x in flat_list if x[0]==mk and x[2] != 'Neuropil'and x[3] == tp_list[2])
        for x in tp1:
            for y in tp2:
                if x[0:3] == y[0:3] :
                    if nb_tp == 3:
                        for z in tp3:
                            if x[0:3] == z[0:3] :
        return tp_seq
like image 959
AlexandreS Avatar asked Mar 30 '10 09:03


People also ask

What is nested data in Python?

Nested data is simply data structures that make saving, collecting, accessing, accumulating data more sensible sometimes. It's not a very complicated topic and nested data usually rather simplifies the representation and handling of data.

How do you access nested structures in Python?

To access element of a nested dictionary, we use indexing [] syntax in Python.

How do you get a value from a nested dictionary python?

Access Values using get() Another way to access value(s) in a nested dictionary ( employees ) is to use the dict. get() method. This method returns the value for a specified key. If the specified key does not exist, the get() method returns None (preventing a KeyError ).

What is nested data structure?

In data structures, data organizations that are separately identifiable but also part of a larger data organization are said to be nested within the larger organization. A table within a table is a nested table. A list within a list is a nested list.

2 Answers

"I stored it in a deeply nested dictionary"

And, as you've seen, it doesn't work out well.

What's the alternative?

  1. Composite keys and a shallow dictionary. You have an 8-part key: ( individual, imaging session, Region imaged, timestamp of file, properties of file, regions of interest in image, format of data, channel of acquisition ) which maps to an array of values.

    { ('AS091209M02', '100113', 'R16', '1263399103', 'Responses', 'N01', 'Sequential', 'Ch1' ): array, 

    The issue with this is search.

  2. Proper class structures. Actually, a full-up Class definition may be overkill.

"The type of operations I perform is for instance to compute properties of the arrays (listed under Ch1, Ch2), pick up arrays to make a new collection, for instance analyze responses of N01 from region 16 (R16) of a given individual at different time points, etc."


First, use a namedtuple for your ultimate object.

Array = namedtuple( 'Array', 'individual, session, region, timestamp, properties, roi, format, channel, data' )

Or something like that. Build a simple list of these named tuple objects. You can then simply iterate over them.

Second, use many simple map-reduce operations on this master list of the array objects.


for a in theMasterArrrayList:
    if a.region = 'R16' and interest = 'N01':
        # do something on these items only.

Reducing by Common Key:

individual_dict = defaultdict(list)
for a in theMasterArrayList:
    individual_dict[ a.individual ].append( a )

This will create a subset in the map that has exactly the items you want.

You can then do indiidual_dict['AS091209M02'] and have all of their data. You can do this for any (or all) of the available keys.

region_dict = defaultdict(list)
for a in theMasterArrayList:
    region_dict[ a.region ].append( a )

This does not copy any data. It's fast and relatively compact in memory.

Mapping (or transforming) the array:

for a in theMasterArrayList:
    someTransformationFunction( a.data )

If the array is itself a list, you're can update that list without breaking the tuple as a whole. If you need to create a new array from an existing array, you're creating a new tuple. There's nothing wrong with this, but it is a new tuple. You wind up with programs like this.

def region_filter( array_list, region_set ):
    for a in array_list:
        if a.region in region_set:
            yield a

def array_map( array_list, someConstant ):
    for a in array_list:
        yield Array( *(a[:8] + (someTranformation( a.data, someConstant ),) )

def some_result( array_list, region, someConstant ):
    for a in array_map( region_filter( array_list, region ), someConstant ):
        yield a

You can build up transformations, reductions, mappings into more elaborate things.

The most important thing is creating only the dictionaries you need from the master list so you don't do any more filtering than is minimally necessary.

BTW. This can be mapped to a relational database trivially. It will be slower, but you can have multiple concurrent update operations. Except for multiple concurrent updates, a relational database doesn't offer any features above this.

like image 118
S.Lott Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 12:10


You can make your loops look better, by replacing:

for mk in dic.keys():
    for rgk in dic[mk].keys():
        for nk in dic[mk][rgk].keys():
            for ik in dic[mk][rgk][nk].keys():
                for ek in dic[mk][rgk][nk][ik].keys():
                    #do something


for mv in dic.values():
    for rgv in mv.values():
        for nv in rgv.values():
            for iv in nv.values():
                for ev in iv.values():
                    #do something

You thus gain access to all the values with a relatively terse code. If you also need some keys, you can do something like:

for (mk, mv) in dic.items():
    # etc.

Depending on your needs, you might also consider creating and then using a single dictionary with tuple keys:

dic[(mk, rgk, nv, ik, ek)]
like image 26
Eric O Lebigot Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10

Eric O Lebigot