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Optimizing Jinja2 Environment creation

My application is running on Google App Engine and most of requests constantly gets yellow flag due to high CPU usage. Using profiler I tracked the issue down to the routine of creating jinja2.Environment instance.

I'm creating the instance at module level:

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATE_DIRS))

Due to the Google AppEngine operation mode (CGI), this code can be run upon each and every request (their module import cache seems to cache modules for seconds rather than for minutes).

I was thinking about storing the environment instance in memcache, but it seems to be not picklable. FileSystemLoader instance seems to be picklable and can be cached, but I did not observe any substantial improvement in CPU usage with this approach.

Anybody can suggest a way to decrease the overhead of creating jinja2.Environment instance?

Edit: below is (relevant) part of profiler output.

222172 function calls (215262 primitive calls) in 8.695 CPU seconds

 ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     33    1.073    0.033    1.083    0.033 {google3.apphosting.runtime._apphosting_runtime___python__apiproxy.Wait}
438/111    0.944    0.002    2.009    0.018 /base/python_dist/lib/python2.5/sre_parse.py:385(_parse)
   4218    0.655    0.000    1.002    0.000 /base/python_dist/lib/python2.5/pickle.py:1166(load_long_binput)
      1    0.611    0.611    0.679    0.679 /base/data/home/apps/with-the-flow/1.331879498764931274/jinja2/environment.py:10()

One call, but as far I can see (and this is consistent across all my GAE-based apps), the most expensive in the whole request processing cycle.

like image 582
zgoda Avatar asked Mar 06 '09 13:03


People also ask

What is a Jinja environment?

Environment([options]) The core component of Jinja is the Environment . It contains important shared variables like configuration, filters, tests, globals and others. Instances of this class may be modified if they are not shared and if no template was loaded so far.

What does Jinja Autoescape do?

When autoescaping is enabled, Jinja2 will filter input strings to escape any HTML content submitted via template variables. Without escaping HTML input the application becomes vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. Unfortunately, autoescaping is False by default.

Does Jinja2 work with Python 3?

Jinja2 works with Python 2.6. x, 2.7. x and >= 3.3. If you are using Python 3.2 you can use an older release of Jinja2 (2.6) as support for Python 3.2 was dropped in Jinja2 version 2.7.

1 Answers

Armin suggested to pre-compile Jinja2 templates to python code, and use the compiled templates in production. So I've made a compiler/loader for that, and it now renders some complex templates 13 times faster, throwing away all the parsing overhead. The related discussion with link to the repository is here.

like image 151
moraes Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
