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Python vs Cpython




What's all this fuss about Python and CPython (Jython,IronPython), I don't get it:

python.org mentions that CPython is:

The "traditional" implementation of Python (nicknamed CPython)

yet another Stack Overflow question mentions that:

CPython is the default byte-code interpreter of Python, which is written in C.

Honestly I don't get what both of those explanations practically mean but what I thought was that, if I use CPython does that mean when I run a sample python code, it compiles it to C language and then executes it as if it were C code

So what exactly is CPython and how does it differ when compared with python and should I probably use CPython over Python and if so what are its advantages?

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K DawG Avatar asked Jun 16 '13 07:06

K DawG

People also ask

Is CPython and Python same?

CPython is the reference implementation of the Python programming language. Written in C and Python, CPython is the default and most widely used implementation of the Python language. CPython can be defined as both an interpreter and a compiler as it compiles Python code into bytecode before interpreting it.

Is Cython better than Python?

The CPython + Cython implementation is the fastest; it is 44 times faster than the CPython implementation. This is an impressive speed improvement, especially considering that the Cython code is very close to the original Python code in its design.

How is CPython different from IronPython?

Just as Jython is an implementation of Python on the JVM, IronPython is an implementation of Python on the . Net runtime, or CLR (Common Language Runtime). IronPython uses the DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime) of the CLR to allow Python programs to run with the same degree of dynamism that they do in CPython.

1 Answers

So what is CPython?

CPython is the original Python implementation. It is the implementation you download from Python.org. People call it CPython to distinguish it from other, later, Python implementations, and to distinguish the implementation of the language engine from the Python programming language itself.

The latter part is where your confusion comes from; you need to keep Python-the-language separate from whatever runs the Python code.

CPython happens to be implemented in C. That is just an implementation detail, really. CPython compiles your Python code into bytecode (transparently) and interprets that bytecode in a evaluation loop.

CPython is also the first to implement new features; Python-the-language development uses CPython as the base; other implementations follow.

What about Jython, etc.?

Jython, IronPython and PyPy are the current "other" implementations of the Python programming language; these are implemented in Java, C# and RPython (a subset of Python), respectively. Jython compiles your Python code to Java bytecode, so your Python code can run on the JVM. IronPython lets you run Python on the Microsoft CLR. And PyPy, being implemented in (a subset of) Python, lets you run Python code faster than CPython, which rightly should blow your mind. :-)

Actually compiling to C

So CPython does not translate your Python code to C by itself. Instead, it runs an interpreter loop. There is a project that does translate Python-ish code to C, and that is called Cython. Cython adds a few extensions to the Python language, and lets you compile your code to C extensions, code that plugs into the CPython interpreter.

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Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 16:10

Martijn Pieters