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Python Tkinter Canvas fail to bind keyboard




I've been running a small script like this

from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def callback(event):
    print "callback"
w = Canvas(root, width=300, height=300)
w.bind("<Key>", callback)

However, the keyboard event is not handled in my situation (I use python 2.7 on window 7)

If I use

w.bind("<Button-1>", callback)

Things work fine.

So, this really puzzles me. Please anyone tell me why this's happening, thanks in advance.

like image 749
Robert Bean Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 11:03

Robert Bean

2 Answers

Key bindings only fire when the widget with the keyboard focus gets a key event. The canvas by default does not get keyboard focus. You can give it focus with the focus_set method. Typically you would do this in a binding on the mouse button.

Add the following binding to your code, then click in the canvas and your key bindings will start to work:

w.bind("<1>", lambda event: w.focus_set())
like image 50
Bryan Oakley Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Bryan Oakley

To avoid the "clicking on the canvas to activate the key bindings", I found simpler code at the following site:


He is attempting to bind a frame, but I implemented it in my own code and the canvas widget works as well. Your code will look like the following:

w.bind(<Key>, callback)
like image 36
Donald Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
