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python socket readline without socket.makefile()




I'm trying to parse an HTTP request line (e.g. GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n), which is easy with socket.makefile().readline() (BaseHTTPRequestHandler uses it), like:

print sock.makefile().readline()

unfortunately, as the documentation says, when using makefile() the socket must be in blocking mode (it can not have a timeout); how can I implement a readline()-like function that does the same without using makefile() file object interface and not reading more than needed (as it'd discard data I will need after)?

a pretty inefficient example:

request_line = ""
while not request_line.endswith('\n'):
    request_line += sock.recv(1)
print request_line 
like image 465
Dantalion didn't Work Avatar asked Mar 13 '15 02:03

Dantalion didn't Work

2 Answers

Four and a half years later, I would suggest asyncio's Streams for this, but here's how you might do it properly using BytesIO

Note that this implementation "shrinks" the in-memory BytesIO object each time a line is detected. If you didn't care about that, this could be a lot fewer lines.

import socket
import time
from io import BytesIO

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(('localhost', 1234))

def handle_line(line):
    # or, print("Line Received:", line.decode().rstrip())
    print(f"Line Received: {line.decode().rstrip()!r}")

with BytesIO() as buffer:
    while True:
            resp = sock.recv(100)       # Read in some number of bytes -- balance this
        except BlockingIOError:
            print("sleeping")           # Do whatever you want here, this just
            time.sleep(2)               #   illustrates that it's nonblocking
            buffer.write(resp)          # Write to the BytesIO object
            buffer.seek(0)              # Set the file pointer to the SoF
            start_index = 0             # Count the number of characters processed
            for line in buffer:
                start_index += len(line)
                handle_line(line)       # Do something with your line

            """ If we received any newline-terminated lines, this will be nonzero.
                In that case, we read the remaining bytes into memory, truncate
                the BytesIO object, reset the file pointer and re-write the
                remaining bytes back into it.  This will advance the file pointer
                appropriately.  If start_index is zero, the buffer doesn't contain
                any newline-terminated lines, so we set the file pointer to the
                end of the file to not overwrite bytes.
            if start_index:
                remaining = buffer.read()
                buffer.seek(0, 2)

(The original answer was so bad that it wasn't worth keeping (I promise), but should be available in the edit history).

like image 133
jedwards Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09



Here is a (buffered) line-reader that does not use asyncio. It can be used as a "synchronous" socket-based replacement for asyncio.StreamReader.

import socket
from asyncio import IncompleteReadError  # only import the exception class

class SocketStreamReader:
    def __init__(self, sock: socket.socket):
        self._sock = sock
        self._recv_buffer = bytearray()

    def read(self, num_bytes: int = -1) -> bytes:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def readexactly(self, num_bytes: int) -> bytes:
        buf = bytearray(num_bytes)
        pos = 0
        while pos < num_bytes:
            n = self._recv_into(memoryview(buf)[pos:])
            if n == 0:
                raise IncompleteReadError(bytes(buf[:pos]), num_bytes)
            pos += n
        return bytes(buf)

    def readline(self) -> bytes:
        return self.readuntil(b"\n")

    def readuntil(self, separator: bytes = b"\n") -> bytes:
        if len(separator) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Only separators of length 1 are supported.")

        chunk = bytearray(4096)
        start = 0
        buf = bytearray(len(self._recv_buffer))
        bytes_read = self._recv_into(memoryview(buf))
        assert bytes_read == len(buf)

        while True:
            idx = buf.find(separator, start)
            if idx != -1:

            start = len(self._recv_buffer)
            bytes_read = self._recv_into(memoryview(chunk))
            buf += memoryview(chunk)[:bytes_read]

        result = bytes(buf[: idx + 1])
        self._recv_buffer = b"".join(
            (memoryview(buf)[idx + 1 :], self._recv_buffer)
        return result

    def _recv_into(self, view: memoryview) -> int:
        bytes_read = min(len(view), len(self._recv_buffer))
        view[:bytes_read] = self._recv_buffer[:bytes_read]
        self._recv_buffer = self._recv_buffer[bytes_read:]
        if bytes_read == len(view):
            return bytes_read
        bytes_read += self._sock.recv_into(view[bytes_read:])
        return bytes_read


reader = SocketStreamReader(sock)
line = reader.readline()
like image 43
Mateen Ulhaq Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Mateen Ulhaq