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Python regex subsitution: separate backreference from digit [duplicate]

In a regex replacement pattern, a backreference looks like \1. If you want to include a digit after that backreference, this will fail because the digit is considered to be part of the backreference number:

# replace all twin digits by zeroes, but retain white space in between
re.sub(r"\d(\s*)\d", r"0\10", "0 1")
>>> sre_constants.error: invalid group reference

Substitution pattern r"0\1 0" would work fine but in the failing example back-reference \1 is interpreted as \10.

How can the digit '0' be separated from the back-reference \1 that precedes it?

like image 362
florisla Avatar asked May 29 '13 09:05


1 Answers

You can use \g<1>, as mentioned in the docs.

like image 81
Janne Karila Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09

Janne Karila