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python regex match and replace




I need to find, process and remove (one by one) any substrings that match a rather long regex:

# p is a compiled regex
# s is a string  
while 1:
    m = p.match(s)
    if m is None:
    process(m.group(0)) #do something with the matched pattern
    s = re.sub(m.group(0), '', s) #remove it from string s

The code above is not good for 2 reasons:

  1. It doesn't work if m.group(0) happens to contain any regex-special characters (like *, +, etc.).

  2. It feels like I'm duplicating the work: first I search the string for the regular expression, and then I have to kinda go look for it again to remove it.

What's a good way to do this?

like image 277
max Avatar asked Aug 22 '10 21:08


People also ask

Can you use regex with replace Python?

Regex can be used to perform various tasks in Python. It is used to do a search and replace operations, replace patterns in text, check if a string contains the specific pattern.

How do you replace all occurrences of a regex pattern in a string Python?

sub() method will replace all pattern occurrences in the target string. By setting the count=1 inside a re. sub() we can replace only the first occurrence of a pattern in the target string with another string. Set the count value to the number of replacements you want to perform.

How do you substitute a pattern in Python?

If you want to replace a string that matches a regular expression (regex) instead of perfect match, use the sub() of the re module. In re. sub() , specify a regex pattern in the first argument, a new string in the second, and a string to be processed in the third.

How do you substitute in regex?

To perform a substitution, you use the Replace method of the Regex class, instead of the Match method that we've seen in earlier articles. This method is similar to Match, except that it includes an extra string parameter to receive the replacement value.

1 Answers

The re.sub function can take a function as an argument so you can combine the replacement and processing steps if you wish:

# p is a compiled regex
# s is a string  
def process_match(m):
    # Process the match here.
    return ''

s = p.sub(process_match, s)
like image 144
Mark Byers Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09

Mark Byers