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Python: Read fields of CSV File with a list of list





i just wondering how i can read special field from a CVS File with next structure:

40.0070222,116.2968604,2008-10-28,[["route"], ["sublocality","political"]]
39.9759505,116.3272935,2008-10-29,[["route"], ["establishment"], ["sublocality", "political"]]

the way that on reading cvs files i used to work with:

with open('routes/stayedStoppoints', 'rb') as csvfile:
    spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

The problem with that is the first 3 fields no problem i can use:

for row in spamreader:

row[0],row[1],row[2] i can access without problem. but in the last field and i guess that with csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') split also for each sub-list:

so when i tried to access just show me:


Anyone has a solution to handle the last field has a full list ( list of list indeed)

[["route"], ["sublocality","political"]]

in order to can access to each category.


like image 540
taonico Avatar asked Mar 24 '23 13:03


2 Answers

Your format is close to json. You only need to wrap each line in brackets, and to quote the dates. For each line l just do:


results in lst being

[40.0070222, 116.2968604, u'2008-10-28', [[u'route'], [u'sublocality', u'political']]]

You need to import the json parser and regular expressions

import json
import re

edit: you asked how to access the element containing 'route'. the answer is


'political' is at


If the strings ('political' and others) may contain strings looking like dates, you should go with the solution by @unutbu

like image 80
Johan Lundberg Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 23:04

Johan Lundberg

Use line.split(',', 3) to split on just the first 3 commas:

import json
with open(filename, 'rb') as csvfile:
    for line in csvfile:
        row = line.split(',', 3)
        row[3] = json.loads(row[3])


['40.0070222', '116.2968604', '2008-10-28', [[u'route'], [u'sublocality', u'political']]]
['39.9759505', '116.3272935', '2008-10-29', [[u'route'], [u'establishment'], [u'sublocality', u'political']]]
like image 40
unutbu Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 23:04
