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Python Random Map Generation with Perlin Noise

Recently, I've been attempting to defeat one of my main weaknesses in programming in general, random generation. I thought it would be an easy thing to do, but the lack of simple information is killing me on it. I don't want to sound dumb, but it feels to me like most of the information from places like this are written for mathematicians who went to college to graduate in theoretical mathematics. I just don't understand what I'm meant to do with that information in order to apply it to programming in a language such as python.

I've been working a few days staring at equations and attempting attempt after attempt, but still after all those days, after ripping my code apart again and again, all that's been working properly this entire time is this noise generator to generate basic noise:

import random
import math


def generateWhiteNoise(width,height):
    noise = [[r for r in range(width)] for i in range(height)]

    for i in range(0,height):
        for j in range(0,width):
            noise[i][j] = random.randint(0,1)

    return noise

noise = generateWhiteNoise(50,12)

for i in noise:
    for o in i:
        if(o == 0):

This code produces this result:


I'm wanting it to eventually produce something like this:


How can I manage to smooth out the white-noise I generate, and turn it into islands? Can anyone explain it in a very simplistic way for me?

I may be thinking about all of this very wrong.

like image 526
NAME__ Avatar asked Jul 22 '13 03:07


2 Answers

The direct answer to your question is "No, you cannot do what you are asking", and the second answer is "Yes, you are thinking about this all wrong".

The reason is that you are generating completely random noise. What you are asking for is coherent noise. They are two completely different animals and you cannot get coherent noise from random noise. Hence my answer.

To explain why, you must understand this simple statement which I am repeating from the excellent libnoise documentation:

Coherent noise

A type of smooth pseudorandom noise.

Coherent noise is generated by a coherent-noise function, which has three important properties:

  • Passing in the same input value will always return the same output value.
  • A small change in the input value will produce a small change in the output value.
  • A large change in the input value will produce a random change in the output value.

Random noise does not have these properties, and therefore is completely unsuitable for what you are trying to achieve.

I would suggest studying Ken Perlin's latest (improved) reference implementation and his SIGGRAPH 2002 notes.

If you cannot understand or implement this, then just use a library such as libnoise, an excellent and well used LGPL library originally in C++ which has also been ported to many other languages.

like image 106
Ian Macintosh Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Ian Macintosh

This is a fun little problem, you can solve it with this sort of algorithm:

  1. generate a small uniform noise
  2. resample it to a higher resolution (giving you a smooth noise image)
  3. Apply threshold to get a False/True array
  4. Map False/True to '-'/'#'

And with a bit of printing formatting it works well. Demonstration:

import numpy as np
import sys
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom
arr = np.random.uniform(size=(4,4))
arr = zoom(arr, 8)
arr = arr > 0.5
arr = np.where(arr, '-', '#')
arr = np.array_str(arr, max_line_width=500)


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Of course a Perlin or Simplex noise like other answerers indicated would give a slightly better look. If you want to try that, replace steps 1 and 2 with Perlin/Simplex or any other noise you can grab and try again.

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Overdrivr Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10
